Feeling Defeated

I'm looking for some words of encouragement DBD friends. My experience with the event today has left me feeling absolutely deflated when it comes to this game. I'm a red rank survivor just trying to get the crowns like everybody else. I'm burning all my bloody party streamers since the cake offering is still bugged, just trying to have a good time. I have yet to acquire a single crown, and my games have been nothing short of abysmal all day long. It's been nothing but tunneling for 3 straight hooks, camping nonstop until you die, etc. Clowns have been walking circles around hooks, throwing gas down the entire time. Why have the killers been so unwilling to just have a good time today? Has anybody else had an experience similar to mine today? This is all on top of the anniversary event that I would call lackluster at best. Overall I'm feeling pretty down about DBD at the moment, and almost don't even want to play anymore. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    No issue with it on my end. And a lot of Killers, including myself, have been allowing it. That's crappy though.

  • Kaitlin814
    Kaitlin814 Member Posts: 76

    Yep. All of this. And killers are rewarded for it too.

  • Poorfu
    Poorfu Member Posts: 47
    edited June 2020

    I bet I can top yours.

    Everygame, event, non event, I can't win. I get a win maybe once every 10+ games I put in. It's sheer dumb luck I win. I don't know if I could call it luck, since mine is terrible. This is every time I play too.

    Unfortunately, most killers probably enjoy giving people a hard time. Maybe they don't want anyone getting event items just because it satisfies them? Who knows.

    DBD is a beautiful game, but very broken.

  • shanny_boi
    shanny_boi Member Posts: 146

    dont give up. you'll get it ; )

  • Kemosabe69
    Kemosabe69 Member Posts: 23

    I had that thought too. It seems like the killers I've been going against tonight have enjoyed the sense that they are denying survivors from collecting the crowns. Even though they are also trying to get crowns? It just doesn't make much sense.

  • Lumen
    Lumen Member Posts: 16

    Honestly, this is how it has been since Pyramid Head was released, and I'm not sure why. People are determined every game to 4K, and the common killer mentality is, "The person on the hook is the weakest, so it's smart to tunnel them off hook; why would I chase anyone else when I can get an easy kill?".

  • shanny_boi
    shanny_boi Member Posts: 146

    it does satisfy them to get a 4k. Just because its an event doesnt mean the killers need to be nice. But dont worry, you'll get the crown. Keep trying and play smart !

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    I hear you. Killers feel the need to camp when there's a lot of party streamers or event cakes. I mean What's the point? You're going to win tons of points even if you have 0k, no need to be a tryhard.

    There was a huntress that tunneled me just because I have won a crown, I guess part of it it's the devs fault for not explaining the event. Some players think that there are just one crown for the entire team.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I'm playing solo que in red ranks too on PS4 same story. The matches are not going well at all. The last time matches were this bad was during the basement bug. I'm running kindred and see no one working on gens and just looking for crowns with multiple gens left. I have gone in struggle so many matches now. I'm about to run keys and left behind.

  • Wubalubadubdub03
    Wubalubadubdub03 Member Posts: 141
    edited June 2020

    Have had the exact same experience, the cherry on top is that my teammates waste the entire match looking for crowns that they will not get to keep because gens aren't being done and they wont survive.

  • Голубой
    Голубой Member Posts: 126

    Me too man. I just stopped playing and decided to give up on the game until they fix the cake bug. I think the extra blood points will make me get into it again. You should just realize that a game is not worth the negative feelings you are having. Just put the game down and walk away. A crown is not worth messing with your mental health.

    I think it's safe to say that the devs dropped the ball with this event. This is easily the worst event I've ever played out of all the games I played in my entire life. It's kind of tainting my experience of DB, especially because I just got the game a little over a week ago..

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    as a killer main i tried to help survivors find them and escape there was tons of positive comments in post chat for me but also still there were survivors bming in post chat after i helped them so its not just survivors that are having a bad time

  • Poorfu
    Poorfu Member Posts: 47

    I've already obtained the crown luckily. I kept hiding whenever I knew the killer was in my vicinity and ended up making it out somehow :)

    Escaping doesn't happen often for me, but I'm glad it did this time especially when I had the crown.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    You'll always have douches wanting to ruin things. There are many killers who are letting people get their crowns and leave. I think I've tried against one person and kept them from getting their crown and it's because they were playing scummy imo

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited June 2020

    I was able to keep 2 crowns for two survivors mains of mine.The second one the killer tried to deny me from keeping it but that backfired on him😀.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    What platform is this? PC here, and it seems like a normal day except for 2 games where the killer let us farm.. which doesn't happen all that happen with red rank killers. I know I don't do it.

    Keep trying, and save your BPS for when you know your teammates are good.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Sorry to hear it, friendly survivor.

    I've been letting people go all night, just trying to farm and level some. (Some teams just don't get it, though. ><)

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I can say the same on killer side. Whole lot of gen rushing.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
    edited June 2020


    no dbd = no negativity

  • 1anioh
    1anioh Member Posts: 62

    Im a killer main on ps4, and I haven't sacrificed a single person all day. Lol, I will first hook people and maybe smack them if they heal themselves fully afterwards but mostly I just get my chase points and try to steer people towards the crowns.

    I don't mind, as long as I hook 2 people my level doesnt depip and in my mind everyone getting the new glow is far more important than Mr. Krabs eating.

    I've had several survivors chase me as I run away from gens, and like daddy trappers got those addons that make the traps not cause injury.

    So anyways my point was 'not all killers' but if your playing on pc it might actually be all killers.

    Because pc people are weirdly intense.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    it hard for some killers too well for me away i look for crown willing to farm but all survivor start gen rushing have no time to look for a crown and i see some survivor who are about to t bag who find one.

    whole event a joke

  • RickJames
    RickJames Member Posts: 85

    I've had a mix of some killers letting people farm and then a few insidious bubbas / iri head huntresses. Its been going well for me but I should mention that when I get a killer that gives a super try-hard toxic vibe I just suicide on hook and next game it.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited June 2020

    Until they actually do something about Tunneling and Camping being so abused as accessible as it is. I'm afraid it's going to be the experience for many events to come. I'm sorry you've had bad games, these events seem to make players more sweaty.

    My suggestion would be to bring a medkit, and play with a swf group. That guarantees that you won't end up with unreliable teammates.

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 544

    I will tell you why. The game has been non-stop SWF all day and killers get fed up with it so EVERYONE gets punished. It sucks on both sides. Play the game or don't. Thems the options.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    To me the killers actually seem like they're playing relatively by the survivor rulebook in my games. I always get them hooking one person, leaving, hooking the next person, leaving, to the point where by the time we win/lose anybody who died got hooked all 3 times. To me it's my survivors in my games that are the issue. Every game I get somebody just killing themselves on hook, usually somebody who got caught within like 30 seconds.

  • SilentChill
    SilentChill Member Posts: 39

    keep you head up ... if you see me in game, know that im not going for kills, a hook or two but no kills. My name on pc is the same here. :) hope to chill with you soon.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    You'd think that both survivors and killers would be at least trying to help eachother get the cosmetics. But instead people are tunneling off hook and ruining matches so that survivors can't get their rewards cause they're butthurt.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    Same here.

    Take a break for a day or two. Come back and it'll feel better, or not as bad. Some days, matches are just rough and it just is how it is.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    Don't lose hope, friend! Perhaps you could find a way to contact other players to aid you? Sorry you've been facing so much toxicity from petty Killers.

  • Jasuo
    Jasuo Member Posts: 54
    edited June 2020

    On the flip side, I had a game where me and this Kate decided to farm points but everybody else tunneled gens and rushed the exit gates. I even tried to convey to the others that I was willing to farm but they just ran to the other side of the map and did gens. I got the least amount of points and lost a pip. So yeahhh, I feel your pain.

    Also the cake is bugged? I feel like an idiot for spamming mine now if that's the case

  • Nysos
    Nysos Member Posts: 19

    Killer main who didn't know this event didn't include licensed killers. If the killers you are facing are licensed then this may be the issue as i played several games trying to unlock the crown. Now i just get my bbq stacks

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I hear ya... I usually am pretty neutral about stuff like this but it sounds like a lot of people are going through the same terrible experiences, so I've just been playing the games like normal and then letting everyone go at the end. Might as well start playing like that since people are going to start using offerings that multiply bloodpoints.

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    I was tunneling after people who had the crown earlier only because I honestly didn't know what was going on. All I knew was they were suddenly all sparkly and easy to track 🤷

    I figured it was some sort of event cosmetic I guess ...

    I didn't know what was going on. Now I feel kinda bad .. 😬