New Killer Idea - The Behemoth

SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414
edited June 2020 in Creations

Benedict Lore | We can hopefully get this back at some point

"My bones ache as I recover from my latest counter with the beasts of this realm. This one has no more fitting of a description than simply, monster. It stands at the height of two men, and wields strength surpassing twenty. A single right hook left me sprawling across the ground, barely able to regain my footing, before I found myself hoisted in the air and flung directly onto a sharpened hook, beckoning from meters away. But although inhumanly strong, it is not smart. Its attacks can be predicted. Dodging even one might give you the time you need to escape. All you can do is try."

Movement Speed - 117.5% | 4.7 m/s

Terror Radius - 36 meters

Height - Tall

Description - A hulking brute with arms and legs like tree trunks. Fists and arms are covered in bruises, with cuff markings around the wrists. Finger nails have been removed and fingers are slightly bleeding. Upper torso has scars shaped like entity tendrils, but is otherwise bare. Head is covered with a metal helmet, with slits just big enough to see bright red eyes, and is bolted into the skin around the neck. Helmet also has many small breathing holes. A leather kilt covers the groin and upper legs. Feet have heavily cracked toenails and are bare.

POWER - Brutality

Holding down the Attack button or Power button will charge up a Punch from the left or right respectively. Fully charged Punches have greatly increased range, heavily reduced turning, and will knock survivors in the direction they were hit. Survivors hit by a fully charged Punch will lose all speed upon colliding with a wall. Charging up a Punch can be canceled by attacking with a short ranged Jab from the opposite direction.

Carried survivors can be thrown by pressing the Active Power button. Thrown survivors will injure any survivors they collide with and can be thrown onto sacrificial hooks.

Your attacks will automatically start the break action when attacking generators and breakables.