New Event ... Happy Stories?

The new event may be causing a lot of (survivor) players some frustration and grief, but I thought a thread discussing people's more fun, happier match stories may lighten the mood.

Have you had any matches since the event started, survivor or killer, that were actually chill? Share away!

I just had a cute Demo play peek-a-boo with me around a Haddonfield bush before letting the last two of us escape (killed one and another was afk). I didn't find a crown but it still made me smile!


  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    So far I've only had farm killers when playing survivor and really mean people when playing killer for letting them look for crowns

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    I was able to get a couple of crowns for a few of my survivor mains but haven’t for my killer main.In one of the matches the killer failed at being a sweaty tryhard and I escaped with my second crown😀.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    when people killer not fun most survivor are try hards don't know or don't care your not trying willing to farm.

  • NikkiMouse
    NikkiMouse Member Posts: 23

    This thread is for HAPPY stories, as a reminder. 😅

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    All day it was a struggle for me as survivor.

    Then Spooky Stabby as Robbie the Rabbit let my Nea go.

    next match Huntress let my Claudette go.

    next match Plague let out Meg go.

    next match Trapper let my Yui go.

    all with crowns! 4 matches in a row!

  • 1anioh
    1anioh Member Posts: 62

    I had a couple of Davids chase my Doc around Haddenfield when they realized all I was doing was shocking people instead of hitting.

    They were just so cute I wanted to pinch their cheeks. And the crown spawned in the same spot like 3 times in a row so everyone was able to get it before they left.

  • NikkiMouse
    NikkiMouse Member Posts: 23
  • return_the_slab
    return_the_slab Member Posts: 2

    i had a lovely trapper. We had a slow motion chase and he even let me slow motion 360 him. It was incredible and we all had a great time. Other than that one game, all day has been rough

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    I was playing huntress on autohaven. A survivor i was chasing passed by a crown so after I downed them I grabbed it and hooked them. Next time I saw them I downed them and dropped them next to a crown I saw and ignored them the rest of the game.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    My Cake Slice(Pyramid Head) just let 2(maybe 3?) Runners escape with sparklies. Always happy to spread cheer on holidays and events! :3

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    I’ve deranked from 2 to 6 helping people get crowns because I swear the only way people actually understand you’re going easy on them is to never act anything like you’re going to play normally. It’s worth it but I feel bad for the less experienced survivors I’ll be against when I decide I’ve done my good deed for the anniversary...

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Since I was playing a lot of killers I didn't have leveled and I was prioritizing finding the crown, I got a ton of thank you's. I'd half the time just leave people slugged or let someone pick someone off the hook. The only matches I took super seriously is when we had good offerings and I was on a killer I'm familiar with.

    In one match, the survivors let me goof around with them and do target practice with Deathslinger. In another, a Cheryl lead me around and threw down pallets without stunning me just for me to break. Then she let me sacrifice her, when I was going to give her hatch.

    And in all this, I managed to make like 650k BP in three and a half hours. Not bad.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I actually just had a wholesome moment with a Plague! I ended up being the last person in the trial due to my teammates hightailing it out as soon as they could, and I was infected, injured and loud as heck. The Plague ended up finding me while I was trying to make my way to the exit and a chase ensued, but while she was chasing me I spotted a crown a little ways away. I went ahead and ran to it and grabbed it because I hadn't found one yet (even though I knew I was dead anyway), and the Plague downed me after I grabbed it.... but she then took me to the hatch and let me escape! Funny to think that me grabbing the crown saved my life in a way.... 😛

  • ayaya
    ayaya Member Posts: 163

    I had a farming Legion in my first game. Got the "crown" ez way which I'll never use anyway. Rest games unfortunately were pretty common rainbow lobbies and boosted noed gamers ZzZzZ