Ash vs Evil Dead "chapter" is severely lacking content/substance

As an Evil Dead fan, I was excited to see Ash Williams added to a console video game after so long.

The last time we saw him on a console game was back in 2005 when Evil Dead Regeneration came out.

However, I personally feel the Evil Dead content featured in DbD is lacking.

Similar to how content with LeatherFace (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) and GhostFace (Scream) are lacking.

Though one could argue that since DbD's Ghostface isn't technically any of the killers from the Scream films, therefore there is no need for an iconic survivor or location from the franchise, characters like LeatherFace and Ash have plenty of content from their respective franchises that could've easily been used for DbD.

I personally feel as a hardcore fan of The Evil Dead franchise, that the ball was slightly dropped with bringing in Ash vs Evil Dead (AvED) content.

Now, I do understand that perhaps somethings weren't possible due to licensing issues, or because the powers that be behind the franchise may not want anything that can clash with the upcoming video game that they're working on, but assuming that the content that could very easily have been implemented into the game is accessible and unrestricted, then I fail to see why certain things weren't added to the "chapter".

I feel Ash Williams and AVED content as a whole was heavily shafted in comparison to not only just the original characters and content of DBD, but even in comparison to other licensed characters/properties/chapters.

AVED got a itty-bitty little trailer that as an announcement trailer goes, was awesome: It featured Bruce Campbell himself doing what he does as an entertainer, and showed a bit of Ash in the game. but that's all we got. We never got any other footage showing Ash in the game doing anything other than just running around, being on a hook, and fixing a gen. We never got a spotlight trailer showing off who he is as a character and what his perks are (don't even get me started on Mettle of Man getting nerfed) and as far as I know you can't even find the DbD rock cover song used in the announcement trailer.

And then on top of that there's a typo in his bio and one of his outfits is mislabeled (And to this day still have not been fixed/corrected). In his bio, the part where it mentions he sees Linda Bates (from season 2) it says "her daughter" when it should say "his daughter", since Ash is the one who wants to know about the whereabouts of his daughter. Spoiler alert: Linda already knows what happened to her daughter...her daughter is dead.

The outfit labeled as "Value Stop" isn't even the Value Stop outfit. Despite having the "Value Stop" badge, the outfit is actually the Ashy Slashy's Hardware store outfit.

Many of the characters in the game feature changeable hairstyles, and although at first glance it may not seem like Ash has more than one, there is a specific way his hair looks in the finale that would have been cool to see added into the game with the finale outfit that was released.

No offense to anyone who works on the game, but it feels more like a team of people simply watched trailers and looked at promo pics and vids for research on what to add to the game instead of actually watching the tv show.

And I feel there are those of us fans who after having a show we loved get cancelled, were excited to see more content related to the show via a video game, only to be slightly let down.

This isn't a knock on Behaviour or any of the folks who work on the game, this is just an expression feeling dissatisfied of how my favorite horror franchise has been handled/represented in a game that I enjoy to play.

I apologize for this lengthy post but I just wanted t get this out there. I highly doubt anything can or will be chnaged, but if there's a possibility, that'd be groovy.

Her's a link to an old twitter thread of suggestions/ideas I had on possible AVED themed content that would be cool to see in the game if it were ever possible to add anything in the future such as maps, killers, other survivors, cosmetics, items, etc.

Stay Groovy!
