perk rework idea: Vigil

elitharcos Member Posts: 29
edited June 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Due to the fact that most statuses in the game are permament, have a duration that is neglectable(like 1 or 2 mins) i think that vigil is not used enough in games, so here is a rework idea:


You look over your friends in dire situations. Other teammates within 15 meter range will have hindered, haemorrhage, mangled and blindness remove from them as long as they are within range(then it continues if there is time left). For every status removed you can see them as 1 token each. For each token you get 4/6/8 meter aura reading towards the killer. You will also be unable to be affected by another survivor's vigil perk.

-The perk does not affect you if you use it, only your teammates.(and them only if they don't have the perk neither)

-The perk does not linger for 3 seconds like leadership, current vigil or streetwise

Yes, open handed could technically make it like 60meter aura reading or so, but the thing is the killer would first have to apply and that it would require still a lot of statuses at the same time. Also if the killer is a pig or smth with hiding potential, they can negate the aura reading completely.