My Totem

So why does my Ruin Totem almost always spawn right next to where the survivors spawn. Its literally gone in like 10 seconds almost every game. I know its a totem and its supposed to be destroyed at some point but like thats ridiculous.
Its just the luck of the draw, sometimes it spawns next to you, or next to them, or behind some tree in the corner of the map away from everyone. There isn't anything that influences where hexes spawn besides standard totem placement
If you want ruin to stay up more, perhaps couple it Hex: Thrill of the hunt, so you know when a survivor is working on the totem, and it takes longer to cleanse
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Like I dont even Care if it gets cleansed at some point in the game even early. I know its completely random But the first few seconds of the game is just stupid.
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Not your totem. Mine! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
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Mine! You cant have it!
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Lads. I run Small Game. Neither of yous are having it.
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This is why its bad to rely on a hex perk
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Why should you have it!?
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Because I'm doing that archive challenge where I have to cleanse 20 totems!
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I agree, I dont use them that often but like when I do poof gone as soon as game starts. rng lets place this totem right here where this survivor spawns.
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Cleanse somebody elses Totem.... thief.
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I'm too poor to be able to afford one 😥
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Fine, as long as its dull and not a hex.
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Detective's Hunch trumps your Small Game.
In all seriousness it's the curse of Hex perks. When they work they're really good. When they don't it's rough. The newer maps are better at hiding them though.
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Fine 😒
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Detectives Hunch is one of the few perks I don't have yet, so Small Game is a good alternative.
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Ya sounds about right. I dont care where they place the thing just not right in front of the spawned survivor.
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It makes finding totems so easy. Especially if you happen to have a Rainbow Map.
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I need the hex totems to warm my tea. When I run out of tea, I break the totem out of anger. Sorry.
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Hope you break Haunted grounds!
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Haunted Grounds is just the Entity's brand of coffee. 😀