Even Crowns are a little bit unbalanced

As a Survivor, you need to escape the trial, while having the glow, to get a crown, while a Killer can basically stay AFK after getting that glow. It's just a temporarily Event, but still
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I wouldn't even mind if the killer has to kill at least 2 or 3 Survivors (Cause last one is difficult, due to the hatch)
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You would prefer killers to mori everyone to get enough kills for a crown?
Nah, I'm fine with the way it is.
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Yeah I've been letting everyone go all day to make sure they get it.
Unless you try to que up with non license or a crown equiped. Then its game on.
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Or if killer get it for existing, then survs should too
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That's still happening :p
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Because if survivors just had to play the rest of the game like normal, you would have survivors that just join find crown then offer themselves to killers to get to next game.
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LOl, yeah, a Laurie got very upset that I killed her and let the others find the crowns and escape, she didn't like my logic of "Laurie can't get a crown so you died"
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The condition is likely meant to prevent hook suicides after grabbing a crown. However, a bp threshold would've probably been a more sound compromise. Earn something like 12k or escape and you get the cosmetic. So, you're still compelled to play the game normally, but you're not burdened with an overly cumbersome requirement.
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I still get about 20k each game. I haven't noticed much difference in my games, but that might change.
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Or you know..we could accept you'll get the crown without many issues and realize this is to prevent scummy play on both sides..
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If a Killer goes AFK during the match when they get the crown a Survivor in that same match can Survive when he gets his crown. God damn, how hard of a concept is that? Tired of seeing the same posts reiterate this ONLY dilemma that Survivors face when they complain about crowns being "unfair".
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It's really not hard to get the crowns. It's no different from escaping a normal game. And while there is a small incease in tunneling killers there is also those that let the survs get their crowns.