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Isn't this a 4v1v1?

Member Posts: 359

So I've seen a lot of posts about the killers job, and survivers jobs. But aren't we forgetting something?

The killers job isn't to kill the survs, it's to please the entity. So let's take a face camper killer for example. Just standing there doin his thing. I do believe the entity should get involved, say wrap around him, scream at him then let him go after say 5 seconds. This being of course that he isn't getting into chases around the hook with other survivers.

The entity will get involved say to block windows/vault locations. And kill survs after a time that the gates have been opened.

I think the next update should be more based on the entity. Hell if the entity was playable, say for everytime he messes with a surviver, he has to mess with the killer. That would be interesting, but I know it would also be a very difficult task.

Lots of people have suggested that taking away blood points for camping should be a thing, yet I doubt that would do much. Let's leave it all up to the entity.

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  • Member Posts: 1,209

    Or we can stop having a billion posts about camping needing penalties and just run bt ds adrenaline sprint burst etc and rescue the survivor

  • Member Posts: 359

    This was mostly about the entity getting more involved with the game, since it's the reason we're all here. I just thought I'd offer more than just a simple suggestion

  • Member Posts: 158

    I always thought the entity should randomly hold t bagging survivors in place

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    It's a cool idea and we did see the entity taking survivors side with that new perk

    Forget about stunning killers who camp though. That will be exploited beyond belief

  • Member Posts: 359

    Honestly the act of being camped or tunneled doest bother me as much as knowing the que time for getting into the next game

  • Member Posts: 359

    But unlike most people asking for a killer buff/nerf or survivor buff/nerf, just buff the entity, take it out of our hands. If done well, it will definitely add more to the game, instead of what we currently have Goin.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    And then there will be a billion posts about "Why do survivors run BT DS Adrenaline and SP."

  • Member Posts: 165

    The Entity feeds on hope (or despair, can't remember). It doesn't really mather if it comes from one person or multiple. He just wants to have SOMETHING to eat. So I don't think it's necessary to change anything about campers, they already get reduced blood points.

    Killers are going to kill, everyone has his own tactics to do so.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    If a killer chooses to camp one single person, then let them. They're just letting the remaining 3 complete Gens. 2 minutes on hook, 3 Gens could be completed within that time frame. The killer gains nothing BP wise, and will most likely depip from it. Yes, it's not fun for the survivor stuck on the hook, but it's the way many killers choose to play these days.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    why is everyone focusing on the camping part? As I understood it, that was just an example where the Entity could interfere with the killer as it is now interfering with survivors (blocking a window after 3 times vaulting in chase).

  • Member Posts: 493

    I mean it would kind of make sense lore wise. The entity does want the survivors to have hope to escape. So them killing them self on the hook wouldn’t make it happy.

    I mean holding the killer in place would make camping worse like “How dare you trespass on my property. Stay here and think about what you did”

    Possibly a Camaraderie effect of the entity goes easy on the survivor?

  • Member Posts: 359

    I kinda figured that I shouldn't have added my camping comment. I figured that instead of giving new choices to survivers/killers make it up to the entity, would add a new game play mechanic that people are always asking for.

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    I 4k in just 2 mins after the match starts. Surely i "please" the entity for doing such an excellent job, right?

    No, eNTiTy DiSpleASe

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Where'd you get SP from? The P and B keys are nowhere near eachother, lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,209

    Who cares it’s called the meta for a reason would be stupid not to run it

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    why would the entity do that though?

    the entity doesnt care whether a killer is facecamping or not, all the entity wants is for the killers to kill the survivors and for the survivors to try and escape their fate - if a killer is facecamping, they are just doing their job.

    the entity doesnt care HOW they do it, all it cares for is results - good killers are rewarded, bad killers are punished.

    sometimes it gives the killer a helping hand when they struggle (window blockers), but it will mostly stay out of the trial and just observe.

    it doesnt want escape to be impossible after all, it just wants to build up hope and then crush it again and again and again.

    how about we make it, so if the killer is within X meters to the hook and survivors are at least Y meters away from it, they will get a buff to their repair speed instead.

    the one on the hook is dead, but you can still help the others survive.

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