Things that survivors need to understand

USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

This post is talking about some things that survivors say when the killer:

1- Camps: If a killer is camping, they certainly have their reasons, the survivor may the very toxic, or even because he is trying to get everyone in this single spot so he can act more effectively;

2- Tunnel: Like camping, a killer have a lot of reasons to tunnel someone, usually they will tunnel the most potato survivors because it will lower the gen pressure and letting then live is basically a loss of opportunity of taking someone off the match;

3- NOED: I dont even know why i am even putting this here, noed is a perk, if the killer wants or not use it, it is his decision, also noed is basically a second chance perk for killers, you guys already have some too;

4- Mori on the first hook: This is almost the better way to use a mori because it will take people of the game a way quicker what reduces the pressure on the map;
