Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Rare totem spawn on the Basement

I think the devs could add a rare chance for a totem to spawn on the basement, as this would add even more basement plays.

For instance, if a team of survivors want to cleanse all the totems to prevent a possible NOED, they would have to take a big risk and go to the basement to see if there is a totem there, taking the risk of getting a free hit from the killer if he discovers you are on the basement. Another example, if there is a Hex Totem on the basement, the risk is even higher, cause the killer can camp the basement and prevent the totem from being cleansed, but him doing so, he opens the possibility for all the other survivors do gens far away from the basement, potentially making the killer lose the game by doing so, and even if the killer is far from the basement, if a survivor cleanses a hex totem on the basement, this could also help a killer locate a survivor and get a hit faster, since the survivor takes some time getting out of the basement. That's why I think it could be balanced for both sides. This could really add way more basement plays, which would be a good thing, since the basement isnt much used aside from killer hooking them there to be more difficult for survivors to rescue them. Survivors doesn't have a real reason to go to the basement since there is only a chest there, so adding one more mechanic to the basement would be really nice.

I'm not saying to make a totem always spawn in the basement, as this would be boring and even too op for the killer, but if it were a rare spawn, I think it could really make some different matches.


  • Yes, this is a good idea.

    We need many more different totem spawns in General.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Sadly the best totem spots won't matter if everyone knows it could be there. The best totem spawns are those you cannot see. The Saloon Map or Lèry's have some of these.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    OP explained why the basement spawn would help. It would be great when everyone knows about that. That would give Territorial also a bit of value

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    The basement would be a good totem spot, because it forces you to go somewhere that; a. you wouldn't often choose to go (compared to "I'm just running from one gen to another, may as well check 6 totem spawns on the way there") and b. the killer can turn to an advantage, such as through territorial having a more general value than specifically aiming to go into a basement defender build.

  • DNM
    DNM Member Posts: 59

    It's a double edged sword and if ur unlucky and the totem is like let's just say noed you open the gates see noed go down for it and the killer is right there like hello c: you get hooked and then ur other teammates are just like....yep *goes through exit*

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    If your totem decides to spawn there. You would also risk a perk slot for territorial even if it's not used.

    I often go to the basement for the chest.

  • Yogerman1997
    Yogerman1997 Member Posts: 374

    noed basement bubba aprove that

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    It shouldn't be a guaranteed always-max-value effect. Totems are random, every time you chose a Hex you gamble. And even if the totem doesn't spawn there, it would at least lure more survivors into the basement just to get stacks for Inner Strength or to prevent NOED. This would already be of some value. Normally Territorial in my experience triggers like once every second game, unless you hook someone down there.

  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257

    Love it! I’d be down to see some new totem spawns. As long as it’s not completely impossible to get if needed to a point where everyone dies in a minute I’m down for this lol.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I want to be able to place my own totems as killer (which includes the basement), and I don't want the devs to just continually have to find new totem hiding places.

    i.e. : Totems

    The killer receives seven dull totems at the start of every match. The killer may at any point in the trial place down a dull totem (Default E key) directly in front of the killer's own position (including inside the basement). Pressing the button again when within 20 meters of the totem will apply the first Hex perk positioned in the killer's loadout. Dull totems cannot be within 20 meters of one another and take a total of 2 seconds to place into the environment.

    Why is this an important and necessary change (as opposed to some other changes regarding the mechanics of Hex perks)?

    Having the devs be the sole originators of totem spawns inevitably means constant work on their part to think of new totem spawns to compete with the ever-growing knowledge base of the players. It's a situation not unlike if the developers chose spots for the Demogorgon's portals instead of the player choosing. Gameplay and tactics that evolve with and through the playerbase are far more sustainable and healthier for a gameplay experience than if the devs want to continue doing totem spawn locations all by themselves.

    Below are a few hypothetical situations illustrating the effects of the proposed change:

    1. Four generators have been completed and four survivors are alive. Bubba knows that the fifth generator is about to be completed. Even through his thick brain, he knows that he is in a bad situation. Luckily, Bubba has NOED, tier 3. This is, in fact, the only perk he has. Bubba has also not placed down any totems throughout the entire match, not wanting to waste any time setting up appetizing diversions for survivors, so he has seven dull totems at his ready. For NOED and this group of survivors' demise, however, he only needs to use one. Bubba waddles through the corn rows of Rotten Fields off on his generator patrols. Almost as if by some artful craftsman's design, Bubba reaches his targeted generator just as it is completed. The NOED icon lights up. Bubba couldn't apply it to a totem before, but now he can. It is his time to shine. The survivors scatter around the corners of the T-L walls while Bubba reaches deep into his apron and pulls out a small skull. Barely slowing down, he drops the skull onto the tilled soil, where upon contact it spouts bones and skulls around itself, forming a totem ripe for Bubba's newly acquired power. He grins, or grins as much as he is able to through the stiff skin of his stolen face, and Bubba's mind does something more powerful than it ever could have done without the presence of the Entity permeating every nerve in his body. Bubba lights the totem. 8 meters behind him, as Bubba begins to chase the survivors, the dull totem crackles to life, the fire dormant in the ground below it jumping up to fill the bones with supernatural powers. 

    Bubba knows that the survivors have seen him offer a totem to the Entity. Bubba grins. Bubba also knows that the Meg he is following has no chance of survival. His totem can't be broken quick enough to save this team.

    2. The Wraith treks through the reeds and muck that fill the Swamp. The mists envelop him in his own world separate from the eyes of those without The Entity's blessing. His pockets heavy with seven skulls, he passes through obstacles and wildlife with only a shimmer and a cold draft. With his speed, he is able to place diversions all around the map-- totems seen from kilometers away--only reachable by survivors travelling long distances from their generators. The Wraith doesn't expect all the survivors to fall for his decoys, but he knows that for some, it is too tempting of a prospect to pass up. With six laid out, he brings his final skull, his most coveted, to the depths of his domain, where his power is most connected to the one above. Here, in the basement, the last totem finds a home, tucked just around the corner of the stairs out. The Wraith, with his Territorial Imperative primed, breaths life into the totem, his Devour Hope, and sets off in search of victims to slaughter.

    4. If a killer chooses Hex: Haunted Ground, the perk is unable to be applied until two dull totems are available and the killer is within 20 meters of one of the totems.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 925

    I remember a similar idea where the basement has a totem counter to track remaining totems. Something like a shrine with 5 candles lit and each totem cleansed extinguishes one of the candles.

    Another idea could be killer-specific basements and hooks. Doctor could have a bunch of electric chairs he straps the survivors into, Pig could have the drill chair from the first movie, etc. More reason for survivors to check the basement early if they want a clue who the killer is.