Executioners movement speed needs nerf
I literally don’t know how many times I try to loop the executioner and literally get hit because he’s to quick even when I pallet stun him he still hits me due to his speed and range of his basic hit. Do you guys think it needs to be lowered?
Not at all, if he were 110 hed be trash
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no good grief hes under powered as it is and his power has a cool down his power is underwhelming he does not need a nerf on his movement speed. stop sticking at the same pallet trying to loop so long then run away .... hello? lol
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No, 110 speed is reserved for killers that can kill at distance which he can not
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No, with your logic all 115 speed killers need a nerf because they all operate the same way.
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"...his speed and range of his basic hit."
This is all I needed to see that you don't know what you're talking about. His speed is fine, he's actually kinda meh even with it, and his basic attack range is the same as every other killer barring Myers T1 & T3, Nurse with bugs, and killers who get speed bonuses that increase the lunge range by making it faster than normal.
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he has no gen pressure, his range attacks sucks and can be used only for specific situtations, his cage is weird as well, same - can be used on specific situations. So no you just dont know how to play against him, but thats fine hes still new, and no lowring his speed would make him utter trash, hes fine at he is.
Maybe do something about cages to not block unhooking etc and thats all. Actually I would buff him little more especially change how really clunky his movement with sword into ground is and how weird his range attack is..
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If you're pallet stunning him and still getting hit by his attack the problem is you and how you're playing against him, not his movement speed.
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If he was 110% movement speed he would be god awful as 110% is reserved for distance killing killers or high chase pressure, which Pyramid has none of.
He does have good chase pressure but really all it is will be you resorting to M1ing because his ranged attack is so predictable that You have to straight up make a mistake to get hit by it, even warns you too.
Tbh if anything he atleasts needs some small tweaks with his Cages and his Ranged attack as someone on Reddit vaulted a pallet and avoided it, and Pyramid Head has a serious tunneling issue with his cages that makes him the best tunneler in the game for some reason, but at the same time make the cages less predictable and spawn anywhere that isn’t within 24 meters of him, while at the same time removing the aura off the cages for Pyramid Head so he can’t go back to the cage and camp. His ranged attack definitely needs to have a faster recovery for using it as its already easy to dodge and punishes him heavily.
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No, what he needs is for kobes to be allowed on cage if it is your first hook/cage. Also, he needs to not be able to cancel out of his power without a penalty. Fix those two things and he will not be as OP as he is now.
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Pyramid Head has the same movement speed as most Killers, and all Killers have the same basic attack range.
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The only change he deserved is to bring back his old chase music from PTB:
He doesn't need a nerf 😘
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He really needs a buff a no nerf... he is weak...
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His speed and attack range is identical to the vast majority of the roster
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It would be cool if you could use M2 more often. Right now it's really punishing, you pretty much lose the chase if you miss M2 since the survivor can just run away while you look at your knife. Would be nice if the miss cooldown was reduced, but to balance it, there's a longer cooldown between making trails and using M1.
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I don't care about his base movement speed.
However there need to be a stronger delay between his rites of judgments (trails) and his m1 attack. Good pyramid head right now are using it to zone you out of a loop once you are out you get m1. There should be a penality and therefore a reward for survivor if the survivor make the correct read between those 2 option -> continue to loop because he's faking it or dodge punishement of the damned. It would be more healthy for the game and would add possible mindgame. Right now it's a lose/lose situation even spirit have more possible mindgame come on.
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He doesn't need to be nerfed.... Have you played as him?
His M2 is so underwhelming it makes him not scary at all for the survivors... A game where powerless survivors are not scared of the killer is not what I wanted for this HORROR game when I started playing it... It's sad. We should be afraid of the killers..
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If huntress switch from holding a hatchet to running there's a delay before she can m1. It's this that allow mindgame.
It's non existent on pyramid head