Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

Wach camera after friend's death

Miki666 Member Posts: 2

Hi everyone. I would like to ask a question, specialy to the devs. Is there any chance for camera view for players who died on the hook? For me and my firend it's frustraiting that there is no option like this. For example we are playing DBD... and my friend is dying on the hook, I just don't want to waste his time and I'm giving up, because sometime maches are so long ~ 30 min. Can you consifer adding camera for this dead players just to watch other player perspective view? Not flying camera like in CS:GO, because it could ruin the game, but for example after death you can end mach or choose only one player camera view, ONLY one without watching other players view? Thanks for answer.

