Noed needs a nerf.

Noed should be tied to a random totem on a map right from the start. It could still light up after last gen. I don't like getting spanked after destroying 4 totems, and missing one because it was hided in someones butt.
Do bones
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I'm genuinely shocked the butt isn't the first place you looked, always the first place I look.
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haha, no.
that would effectively kill the perk.
instead how about finally getting that totem counter on Small Game?
also if you have trouble finding totems, use Small Game, Detectives Hunch, Maps or just map knowledge.
its really not that hard to take them all down.
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The darkest place is under the candle.
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Do bones.
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Have you seen how fast ruin, dh, toth gets cleansed? It'll never make it to the end of the match. You should be happy it's a hex perk at all. It didn't use to be at first. There was no way to shut it off.
Cleanse da bones. That should be one of the Devs quotes in the loading screen.
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Ruin, etc. are burning right from the start. Noed could be connected with a random, dull totem on a map, and become active after last gen.
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I ALWAYS make sure david takes a good look up my butt. Somtimes it can spawn pretty deep in there.
Then again I learned today nancy has no butt and laughed for 5 minutes.
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NOED is fine, more survivors need to just take 14 seconds to cleanse totems instead of ignoring them.
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There's one totem for each survivor plus one. No one does bones, you deserve what you get.
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May I interest you in Detective's Hunch?
No? Perhaps Small Game?
Still no? Maybe a Map with Red Twine?
Not even that? Consider learning the spawn spots on each tile?
None of those? Well I guess we'll never know which butt that totem was in.
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Let's add it to the long list of things that needs a nerf.
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They are doing bones. Their complaint is they can't always do all 5. I don't agree that Noed needs a nerf. But try to at least have a useful response. Like the people who recommend Detective's Hunch.
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Fair enough but if no one escapes Death Becomes like other hexes where it could be destroyed 15 seconds into the game starting then let it activate when the trial starts if you guys don't.
You want to destroy it super early you have to deal with it super early
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You cant nerf noed without nerfing the other second chance perk and if this happen and the dev nerf all the second chance perk survivor will be pissed because killer got 1 second chance perk survivor got 5 second chance maybe more
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Bone lits = Perk activated.
Your idea is to have Bone lits at the start, so Noed activated right at the start
Too much buff for me.