The Obsession isn't a Killer mechanic anymore

With the addition of Blood Pact, the Obsession mechanic is no longer solely a Killer mechanic.
Blood Pact creates an Obsession who is only affected differently by the Survivor who runs it. So when that perk is in play the Obsession isn't the Killer's Obsession they're actually a Survivor's Obsession.
The old DS also only affected survivors so it's not something new
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Yandere perk!
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The Obsession was always a mechanic for both sides. Object and the original DS both were Survivor perks effected by the obsession mechanic.
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Not the same thing. There's a difference between benefiting from being the Obsession and having an interaction with another Survivor because you're the Obsession
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I mean, if the killer isn't running an obsession perk, it would be a survivor mechanic, which happens. Just run Object, DS or Blood Pact.
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To be fair, there was also a key addon called the wedding ring (or band, can't fully remember) which gave constant aura reading of the obsession for the survivor carrying it, so its not a brand new concept.
It is however the first perk that makes you benefit from another survivor being the obsession (i think at least)
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All the Obsession mechanic does is single out a particular survivor for the purpose of some perks and add-ons effect. Being the obsession by itself does not actually do anything. In fact being the obsession is moslty an advantage, as the best perks using that mechanic tend to encourage the killer to ignore the obsession in return of some bonus, when they don't downright punish them for killing the obsession.
The mechanic in itself isn't bad, but its maybe poorly named from a flavor perspective.
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Do recall that, originally, Dying Light also punished the obsession. In fact, it encouraged the killer to tunnel the obsession, as it only activated when the obsession died.