DLC Idea: The Two faced Jester

Aquitus Member Posts: 50


Clown Legendary skin(The Jester)

Legendary Survivor Skin(The Jester)

3 new Perks that upon buying the DLC are immediately added to all bloodwebs

experimental mechanic that when you are playing as survivor 'The Jester' the killer 'The Jester' skin cannot be in the same match and vis versa when playing as the killer skin 'The Jester'(will be useful if 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' is ever made a DLC)

one of the perks is an experimental perk that both killers and survivors can use

The legendary clown skin 'The Jester' is notably smaller then the regular clown but always wears bright colors and instead of the clowns normal coughing the jester gives high-pitched giggling. mori is also different instead of collecting a finger the jester slits their throat then just sits there and watches as the survivor death squirms and bleeds out

survivor jester doesnt wear colors as bright and doesnt giggle madly, screams are high-pitched and size is similar to one of the larger survivors but also has long lanky limbs

Lore paragraph:

"The Jester is favored by the entity due to his odd tendency to both hunt down survivors and escape with them. while disliked by other survivors he is seen as atleast better then killers since he somtimes helps them. the jester is as myterious as the entity some theorize that the jester is an avatar of the entity itself."


The Jesters Cage(killer perk)

unless they are in the dying state survivors that remain in the exit gate for (20/15/10) seconds but do not escape are prevented from escaping from that exit gate even when put into the dying state.

Who's laughing now?(both killer and survivor perk)

everytime an opponent crouches their speed is reduces by 1/3/5% for the next 10/15/20 seconds. this slow does not give alert its victim, stacks.

Entities Favored(survivor perk)

when you are hooked if the killer remains withen 5/10/15 meters for 30 seconds your hook statues is reset, you are removed from the hook in a healthy state, and you are undetectable for the next 10 seconds. can only proc once every 60 seconds