General Discussions

General Discussions

So this is my Killer Tier List...

Member Posts: 1
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

I know that a lot of people will be complaining about why pig is above GF. Well, pig's stealth is unbreakable. She has her traps, which they help a lot on wasting the survivors time. Her stealth techniques are the best one to confuse survivors. Her dash is optimal in some loops, but most of the cases you're gonna be faking it which is good too because you make the survivor to run away from the loop to go an unsafe loop or a dead zone.

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  • Member Posts: 204

    Leatherface and Wraith underrated.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Hey I uploaded my tier list yesterday so their isn't much reason to state why mines would be different. The only thing I will say is you haven't played against many decent Pyrmaid Heads if you have him so low. This is why I separated my tier list into high and low tiers since killers being D and E tier just aren't correct.

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    I would switch Oni and huntress and put nurse in A tier, but the other ratings are fine.

  • Member Posts: 442

    PH is the lowest of A tier imo. His zoning is probably the best in the game. If you bait POTD at every palette and window they can either ignore it and get M1'd or commit and get hit with POTD while locked in animation.

    On top of that he has the ability to ignore DS, BT, pallete/flashlight saves etc, so this instantly puts him above a lot of other killers since his chase potential is already strong to begin with.

  • Member Posts: 147

    Why is Myers so high?

  • Member Posts: 2,213


    Demo too high.

    Deathslinger and Myers slightly too high.

    Huntress, Trapper and PH too low.

    Doc and GF slightly too low.

    Basically I think your whole B tier is a mess. lol

  • Member Posts: 76

    A few changes I’d do to the tier list:

  • Member Posts: 495

    Wraith is not underrated idc what truetalent says. Hes garbage and has a power that does nothing for him without bell noise add ons

  • Member Posts: 495

    It's his tier list bro why are you trying to change it? Lol

  • Member Posts: 7,162

    Solid list. I approve.

  • Member Posts: 204

    Not so much what he "says" its what he has "shown" with The Wraith, as well as what he is currently demonstrating with Leatherface. Any killer is not as good without decent add ons/perks.

  • Member Posts: 372

    Skilled Nurse can be S tier, but the average player I agree A or less.

  • Member Posts: 204

    This is what my tier list looks like in rank 1.

    Some of you might disagree with Plague, nurse, legion and clown.

    First is legion and plague, they are the killers that are the easiest to injured survivor, very high pressure applied. Plague can go to S tier is because her blood vomit is very op and strong, legion find survivor fast and good map control, just can't catch a injured survivor fast, so A tier.

    Second is clown, after the buff, I at least will put him in B tier, he can deal with loops very well and can catch a survivor faster now, but you know, can't A tier.

    Final is nurse, the most op one as you all thought, mine is a nope. Her strength is based on maps, she can be ok on open maps like the game, but completely stupid on maps like hospital and lab. She can be mindfecked by good survivor very easily and easy to trick. So, C tier.


  • Member Posts: 3,398

    I think I agree with most of this list. Personally I would put Deathslinger in-between Freddy and Billy, pyramid head somewhere in that area and swap Oni and hag but other than that I like it.

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    Well yes this is obvious, but killers like wraith and Bubba rely so heavily on add-ons it's not even funny. They're both pathetic without them. A lot of killers in this game are becoming less add-on reliant. Nurse and Billy for example aren't bad without add-ons, you just need to be really good with them to make them work without add-ons, and their best add-ons are the ones that clean up your mistakes with them faster. And then there are other killers like Oni, Deathslinger, PH etc where you don't feel like you're losing much when not using add-ons, because they're not very reliant on them.

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    I got now (nearly) 2k hours only on nurse so i think i know what i'm talking about. After a certain point i mastered the nurse mechanically, that means i blink where i wanna go every single time (except if bugs or deadzones come to play).

    So why do i think nurse is not S-tier?

    After you mastered nurse mechanically you notice quite quick, that nurse is way more about conditioning and prediction than mechanics. And both are unreliable. Sometimes you predict godlike, sometimes not. You can't "train" to predict right. You can just use conditioning and your knowledge about survivor movement and routes.

    Even with that heavy downsides i would still rate her S-tier, but as second best behind spirit. The only thing that makes me rate her A-tier at the moment are bugs. A crapload of bugs and unfixed deadzones on nearly every new map. And the fact that the devs are completely silent about them. They fixed ONE SINGLE DEADZONE since the nurse rework lmao (sanctum is still not fixed btw).

    You can look up a thread i created some time ago where forum members and me listed her (known) bugs.

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