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General Discussions

This is the worst event ever.

Member Posts: 10

I've honestly had it with this ######### game. Since this event started nothing is working properly. the killers have become so toxic, just straight up mori's, toxic add ons, tunneling, hook camping, you ######### name it. and the only good thing about this event was the cake offering which doesnt even work.

you will end up being like H1Z1 soon, remember my fking words. I spent 700$ on your game and if I had the choice to take and refund every dime back and never touch this game I would take it any day.

You can't fix an offering which you have made the same exact one before? you have over 50 offerings in the game, you have the previous cake, you have the bloody party streamers, how hard is it? This is on purpose, just to keep people grinding more and giving your buggy game playtime, instead of getting alot of bloodpoints.

I don't respect your dev team anymore. and I honestly wish I could get ever dime back I spent on this game.

your game is unbalanced, and you keep adding so much bullshit into it every day, i'ts honestly such trash

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  • Member Posts: 10

    I supported it, because I used to believe that the dev team is actually good and that they listen, by time I realized they don't give a ######### at all.

    just earn the sweet revenue and fk the community.

  • Member Posts: 1,303
  • Member Posts: 93

    I agree

  • Member Posts: 322

    Because you said you spent over $700, I have to assume you played overtime.. if you were going to make such an egregious statement, I'd expect you to have more evidence as to why you say it's a trash game. Maybe you should just take a break from it and come back after a while and see if you can find the enjoyment in it again.

  • Member Posts: 24
    edited June 2020

    It has been a pretty disappointing event so far.

    I was very long looking forward to this event. Since I am playing DBD so actively lately.

    I expected Double blood Points (blood Rush) since it was apparently there in the previous 3 anniversary's.

    But even without the Blood Rush, running 4/5 Cakes makes for a lot of BP if the offerings (Which you can easily get LOADS of)

    actually worked. But after 3/4 days they still don't!

    I don't really care about the crowns...They don't seem to do much...? Even when I pick them up and escape with it.

    But the killers and other survivors have become very selfish and toxic. More than ever before, The past games this week have been mostly horrible or pointless.

    Fortunaly its just a game...There are bigger things to worry about, But it is a big disappointment, Yes.

  • Member Posts: 10

    If it doesn't bring them money, they won't give a flying ######### about it

  • Member Posts: 10

    I'm ready to bet my life that if this issue was giving players free auric cells, their stupid dev team would wake up at mid night to patch it.

    this game will fall soon if these guys don't take this ######### seriously soon. they think their job is to just sit in the office and play around, it's a ######### joke that they are streaming right now, playing SWF instead of patching it LMAO

  • Member Posts: 163

    You know what is inflammatory? The sheer amount of bugs and dedicated servers are a big disrespectful ######### you in the customers face.

    If you're a grown up company you either suck it up without crying about bullies with bad words or fix your damn product.

  • Member Posts: 10

    I'm ready to bet my life that if there was an issue that made people get free auric cells the dev team would wake up at MID NIGHT to patch it, it's ######### bullshit at this point, they just care about money and only money.

    Cake not working? no problem we are not losing anything. still making money.

    you are just following the footsteps of H1Z1/Daybreak games, don't listen to your community, put random ######### into the game, break stuff 24/7 and you expect people to stay? yeah there's growth in the steam charts, but that ######### will fall soon.

  • Member Posts: 906

    the crown looks bad, the items are ultra ultra rare and the offering is broken. why do you think this is a bad event?

  • Member Posts: 163
    edited June 2020

    Mods demanding respect is crying out loud "OMG THEY CALLING US NAMES MOM!!!!"

    The best example was on their Twitch. People full on with homophobic slurs typing as much as they want but go and call them ######### you will get perma banned in 2 seconds

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Their events were better and had less bugs when they had a smaller staff.

    A big fat cow is lazy.

  • Member Posts: 176

    im sorry that devs have to put up with these kinds of people :( you guys are doing a good job and you should know it.

  • Member Posts: 158

    700 dollars! I bet that's not even super uncommon....but they still want 200 hours for the battlepass or make you buy tiers

  • Member Posts: 682

    This is my first event since playing (started when Deathslinger was released)

    1. The crowns look ugly and not fitting of the aesthetic, besides only fitting on the base skin. It only really matches on Jeff and The Nurse... and these will be in the game forever. They are more like halos as well...
    2. The cakes are still bugged... not much to say here
    3. The finding of the crowns mechanics pushes Killers (myself included) to either hunt people down who have the crown to deny them of it, or farm with the players and let them get it for free. I've been farming, but I wonder if people are disappointed that I'm doing it sometimes. Sometimes you just want a normal game of DBD despite the free bloodpoints..
    4. You're also not encouraged to level up killers if you like to play with your friends once in a while. Since it'd make more sense to stockpile a bunch of cakes and then play games where you get a huge bonus. And you should do it on just the survivor you're best at, so leveling up a survivor from 1 to 15 will get you cakes on a character that doesn't have the best perks

    I dunno. I'm just chilling and letting people get their crowns, idc if the entity is mad at me, I'm already matched against red ranks when I play. It just sucks when I get bored of farming and I want to play for real, but then I'm screwing over someone who just wants to unlock a cosmetic.

    It's a bitter taste in my mouth.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Underwhelming chapter for me as I never heard of silent hill despite being 30. Prefer the unlicensed killers like Oni and Spirit etc. Pyramid head is forgettable

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    first of all as stated before 1) this doesn't normally warrant a reply but there is a few things I will point out. 2) you are not being constructive, i have no idea about discord but i'd say you were probably worse there. 3) you've spent 700 bucks on the game? wow... That's a lot FOR ME... but you are but a drop in the bucket. 4) you have 6 posts at this point you apparently didn't care to try an fix the game so this means your rant is not even going to holding any water in that sieve you have here.

    Stop now, find a new game or don't it is your choice. if you keep playing even once after this you are a hypocrite if you don't you'll be better off till you find the next game with issues. good luck finding ones that have no issues.

  • Member Posts: 80

    my problem is how bad killers have become. Last night 3 times in a row we got killers who hooked and then stood right in front of the survivor and stared at them for the whole duration until they died.

    God it turns a fun game into a boring one. Of course most survivors were trying to rescue him and not working on generators. Which honestly i don't blame them cause i rather someone try than not.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    I can't believe people gave that rant 20 thumbs up.

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    ''game is unbalanced'' this game is more balanced than it used to be though. It is perfect balance? NO, but is much fair than it used to be.

    Moris and keys will be reworked in future though. I think we can all agree that these are at the moment very unbalanced and favors only one side.

    Tunneling and camping will be less favorable in the future as the devs said.

  • Member Posts: 982

    Most people agree but also disagree. Yes the game is unbalanced, yes the devs can go radio silent on a lot of things, yes the game needs work on, yes the devs can be greedy but we still play the game. People leave and loose respect for the devs but that’s fine, I understand why people would do that. I don’t hate the devs like you do but I do disagree with some changes they make and how they handle things.

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