Price of a skin is ridiculous

The price of the Lisa Garland skin is $15 and the price of many other top skins is $10. Why do cosmetics cost so much?
Seriously, skins in DBD cost as much as a pie of pizza in my area. At least with the pizza, I won't regret my purchase.
But maybe I'm too selfish, right? Maybe I failed to realize that the DBD community is full of rich members that can afford these skins, ontop of all the DLCs if they want to enjoy the full game.
I just want a nice skin for my claudette, but I don't want to pay so much for something like that.
5$ more for a copywrited character, isn't over the top to me. But many seem to think it's unfair.
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While I think the Skin for Lisa is overpriced for what you get, I think 10 Dollar/Euros for a Skin is ok.
In the end, BHVR needs to make money. And Cosmetics are not giving any ingame advantage and have no real effect on the gameplay. If that Wraith is using the Halloween Skin or the Phantom of the Opera-Skin does not make any difference.
And I prefer Cosmetics being at a high(er) price over higher prices for DLCs.
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I chalk it up to labor/time, employee pay and license expenses. They need to pay the workers, they need to make the business money and the need to recoup what they spent to use Silent Hill in the first place. I keep saying this is a Konami thing and no one listens. *shrug* LOL
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A cosmetic should be $5, not 10 or 15. I know it doesn't give you an advantage in the game, but its more of a psychological effect as a person feels great having a cool cosmetic. Literally, when developers are so greedy it discourages my from playing. And yes, the DBD community is just going to be like "Why don't you just leave then?" because none of you want to break this cycle of gaming companies overcharging you for content. You'd rather sit there and accept it.
And don't tell me BHVR needs to make money. From DLCs and skins, they've already made tons. I'm sure.
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Even I, the person thats making this post, has bought all the DLC killers and a cosmetic (realized my mistake too late). They're making enough money, believe it.
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When you pay 15 for skins you expect basic offerings & bugs not to be there so I’m curious into were this money is going.
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The thing is, I'd much rather the cosmetics be more expensive than the dlcs. I really enjoy the DLCs being relatively cheap (like, I can manage a fiver every 3 months). If skins were £3 for the most expensive image how expensive the DLCs would be to make up all that money- I'll stay with paying that much for a skin.
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Its just skins and they are optional and never needed.
A pizza isn't needed either but since you are willing to pay $10 for one dinning experience or a one time use. If you like a skin for the price of $10 it can be used for your whole playtime throughout the game. The value of the skin then technically is worth more as you can equate it to hours played. Play 100 hours and it has cost you $0.10 an hour.
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Most of the skins are ridiculously overpriced. But people will buy them so BHVR has no reason to lower that price.
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I actually believe my bunny Legion cosmetic gives me disadvantage LOL but I wear it for fun, they can see you coming a mile away as a bunny
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But the DLCs and cosmetics should both have a relatively low price. Why does BHVR get all this money, yet there are constant bugs and problems in the game? Please answer back.
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Yeah maybe this is just me coming from stuff like Lol where these prices are about the same. I just cant find the will in me to give a ######### about prices in cosmestics. They are optional, neat, nice to have. They are not NEED to have. You would have better arguments with dlcs but even there only the liscense characters are pay to play and they are very cheap.
And if you think the prices are too high, then you dont want the skin. Fx, I got a present from my (now) dead grandmother. Its basically just boring decoration and only worth maybe $20 in actuallity. But to me its worth so much more. Because of memories and a connection. If you are not willing to pay for something and the price is not negotiable then you dont want it, simple as that.
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Bhvr is a game company that treats its employees right, and there are about 500 staff employed I total.
These profits, whilst yeah they're big, go between so many different people. Firstly, developers aren't overworked and are paid a good salary, janitorial staff must be paid, HR, PR, employees are provided meals so cooking staff, QA, etc. There are about 50 game devs hired there if I'm to guess, and these aren't all on dbd. Some work on dbd mobile, others work on other projects that BHVR releases, like the Game Of Thrones game they made recently. Plus, making dbd mobile remain afloat since that game is free and provides premium currency also for free.
So yeah, they made lots of money. But they also have lots of expensis- remember when they bought publishing rights from Starbreeze and prices of DLC went up to compensate for the lost money? Bhvr is a really respectable company, actually, and whilst in an ideal world skins and dlc would be cheap, let me ask you this,
Would you rather pay & 25 quid for the DLCs and £2.50 for legendary skins, or £5.19 for the DLC and £10 for optional cosmetics.
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Welcome to modern gaming how may I take your order. The thing is though $10 skins are actually GOOD in today's standards. Look at games like Apex Legends or the ######### moblie mobas that rake in 1000s by just selling jpegs. I don't agree with it but honestly its not as bad as it can be.
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Usually yes, but the art department at BHVR is the only department I think actually tries. Rarely do those skins fail too look good, and they always try and deliver a skin worth your buck. The Lisa skin is way overpriced but that's out of BHVR hands, that's konami being greedy (which I feel backfired sicne I rarely ever see a Lisa in game.)
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bhvr currently has an annual revenue of $113 million. It was $30 M last year.
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I have spent a RIDICULOUS amount of time grinding for cosmetics. As an Ace main I can tell you that I've bought almost every single Ace cosmetic I can with irdescent shards, including the common default re-skins that are just different colors, which are actually pretty handy to have on hand customization wise.
I'm only missing The High Roller from the Smoking Jacket Collection (The Tomcat from the same collection was one of the first premium cosmetics I grinded for, so I have had that for a long time already) which is 21600 shards. I'm at some 19,000 something.
After that, I'll finally have every possible Ace cosmetic you could possibly get for free, including Pilot Ace which is one of my favorites. He has some 4 cosmetics that can only be bought with Auric Cells, but I can live without them although the Classy Charlatan I'm definitely gonna end up buying down the line. After this I can finally work on grinding for some cosmetics for killer and I've already started plotting my route for what I'm grinding for, starting with the Deathslinger, moving on to Clown, then Oni, after that Trapper, Wraith and / or Doc after that, and then I finally want to get Joey and Susie so I can actually have all 4 members of the Legion (even if I don't play them at all, probably making it a huge waste of shards).
This is my philosophy: if you can buy it with iridescent shards NEVER buy it (with actual money), because at some point down the line after you've played long enough you'll have the shards necessary to have gotten it for free. Only ever buy the stuff that you can only get with auric cells, most likely stuff for licensed characters you enjoy playing, like Cheryl if you're a fan of Silent Hill.
Never use your shards for anything other than cosmetics. I know a lot of people like to spend their shards on teachables they already own so they get bloodpoints but that is an absolute waste. Considering how long it takes for you to get iridescent shards and how quick you can farm bloodpoints especially with offerings like Bloody Party Streamers, Survivor Pudding, X2 Bloodpoint events that are held sporadically throughout the year, and the anniversary event that we are in the middle of right now which always gives out an even better BP Bonus offering - this time the Ghastly Gateau.
You can always mega grind bloodpoints with perks and offerings, but there is nothing you can do to speed up your iridescent shard gain, so never waste your shards on buying old previously owned teachables that's worthless. It's not worth even it to get new teachables you don't have yet when you can just get the teachables by investing BP in those characters in the first place, (unless you don't have those characters at all, in which case I would recommend you buy them because the shrine is finicky on what perks actually show up and there's no guarantee you'll get the 3 teachables of a character. But that's your decision).
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For the Artist to draw more cosmetics :)
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I dont mind paying 10€ for an outfit, i mean i play this game 1000k a year so spending some real money on it is totally worth it.
And many DCLs can be bought with shards just sayin.
But you can keep on buying games that cost 70€ with a playtime of 50 hours...
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Wow and they're an indie studio? Hmm... yeah, that amount of bugs and lack of player support doesnt seem so defendable all of a sudden.
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to me the prices aren't bad at all. 10$ for a legendary skin isn't bad. especially compared to games like fortnite. the cheryl skin is expensive because you're basically getting a whole new character too. quit whining.
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IMO, 9000 shards for a killer and 19,000 for a skin is ridiculous. Not many people play this game for 1000 hrs a year.
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You're the problem. Just because fortnite is overcharging its players for skins doesn't mean its "OK" for others to do it. You seem to think that this is the norm and you're encouraging game developers to keep being greedy.
BTW, the Cheryl skin is just a new design, it has no special attributes; no voice acting and no extra flare to even be considered a $15 cosmetic.
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lol. to me i don't think they're overcharging. it's a decent price to me. if u don't wanna pay that much for a skin then thats your problem. they have to make money somehow. they have to pay hundreds of people on their team. no ones forcing u to buy the skins anyway.
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In this point i do not agree.
Legendary Skins would be legendary, if they would have "new synchronized audios" special "things" to make these legendary.
A 137 Million $ Company should make it possible to afford these costs for their rather high priced skins.
And for the Case their marketing didnt thought about it already, i would fire them, and hire new people to be marketing designers...
No, in Fact BHVR try to make it as cheap as possible, on which the quality of the product suffers a lot, and we can see those bad quality by having bugs over years, by having a real bad hit connection, bad quality servvers and so on.
This is a cow, and they tryna to milk it out as much as possible withzout having the need of deliver a good quality product.
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Yeah just don't buy the stuff unless it's on sale or don't support it by spending that much. It's very simple and you just look foolish complaining about a cosmetic that doesn't mean that much.
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Skins are of no value for the game. Noone needs them, these are for extra support for the game, that's it. If you don't want to support the game, don't buy skins.
And the reason why this skin is extra expensive is probably a licensing nature. But no idea about that in detail. Still jkust a skin
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It's not just about the cosmetic. It's about game developers, in general, thinking it's ok to give us content not worth the price. I don't spend money on skins anymore and I hope others have the same views as me when it comes to this.
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I've never spent real money on mere cosmetics only with in game currency. That includes survivors in dbds case since survivor don't have different abilities just a different player model.
So I would charge the most profitable amount if I were them as well seeing as it's for aesthetics so it doesn't matter if it's bought or not.
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Presumably, if the price was lower, would more people not be tempted to buy these skins? That could be more profitable.
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Very Rare costumes. Give them overprice -> less people buy them -> its really rare to see those costumes in game.
Live as its name: Very rare costumes.
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People will shell out for the things that they want belonging to them and if you were willing to spend 10$ on a new character model it's safe to assume you won't care how much something costs to enhance your "investment". Keeping things priced a certain way gives them a sense of exclusivity as well, people love to look unique and different amongst their peers. It's so easy to manipulate those emotions and squeeze their wallets a bit.
When you want to maximize profits you want to have a price that'll naturally give it exclusivity by how many people are unwilling to buy it over the price.
They would more likely put it on sale when they've made the profit they want on it over it becoming old and "unwanted".
There's no obligation for a business to accommodate to their customers over pricing and how they can afford it. The business presents the product to the potential customer and the consumer buys it or doesn't.
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YES! I've been saying this for a long time. Very few skins are actually worth their asking price (which is the same as two to three new characters). Too many people are used to high-priced skins and now act like it's perfectly fine. If a cosmetic costs more than a brand new character, then it better be a damn good skin (unless it's licensed and the licensor intervenes and sets the price for a cosmetic).
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True, i don't see how a "new model with a new lobby animation can be legendary" for that price,if they have at least their own voice it would have been much better
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i actually do think they are extremely overpriced.
Fortnite is a free game and their cosmetics stand out more. i paid full price for Dead by Daylight and the cosmetics for survivors are not only typically more subtle and boring but cost more!
So basically they had their cake and eating it too.
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I agree, the "legendary" skins were just added so people would stop buying parts of the cosmetic (to spend less money) and INSTEAD buy the whole cosmetic for more money.
"Oh, but it changes who the person is"
Have you seen legion? You can buy their cosmetics in parts and still have it change the person. Why can't it be like that?
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Also, shards take FOREVER to grind. Now i might not be a pro like you guys but i have 200 hours in this game and only got like 2 characters and 2 pieces of clothes. Boring clothes too cause the good stuff is insane.
So i'm sure someone here is going to tell me how they have a million shards and blah blah.
Most people won't get that many and 200 hours for 2 characters and 2 like colored pants or something is a lot.
It's basically a mobile format but in a game thats almost full price.
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Whales bring the money it. Bhvr doesn't care about the average people or even low earning people.
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I remember the old days when you payed only 5 dollars and got an entire dlc with multiple more missions, multiple new characters and multiple new skins. Nowadays 10 dollars just gives you skin. GG.
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DLC isn't relevant to me. It's not a DLC character. It's a skin from the shop. They have skins there for $10. This one is $5 more because they made a new face(also I'm sure they have to pay Konami extra for the image of Lisa.)
there's no voice for anything because it's just a skin for Cheryl to wear.
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People are complaining for no reason. If its so overpriced, just don't buy it. Devs need money anyway to support their game.
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The cosmetics are priced higher than most free to play games. The rift takes twice as long as any other battlepass ive seen. Dbd is the 19th most played game on xbox this week. Most people who play regularly buy all the dlc. Many spend upwards of 1000$ which is just disgusting
Well disgusting from a consumer perspective but to having people spend massive amounts of money on a game and then have people turn around and defend them for it, why would they ever stop? It's greedy but the community makes it easy for them to be greedy so why wouldn't they willingly stop making so much money?
They're not. The most i hope for is for the rift to not be 200 hours long to nickle and dime people to buy a few tiers (ignoring the fact that whales will buy it all for 50$ day one anyway). Or how about how they release a dlc an hour after the new characters are available for auric cells so people can buy the same ######### twice? They already have loyal whales i don't get why they gotta pull ######### like that
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Literally 5 dollars more than a regular purple skin. It's a high rarity, licensed and it changes the character you're playing as. You don't HAVE to buy skins either, stop making people who choose to buy cosmetics out to be bad people or "rich".