Thoughts on removing the blood point category cap?

By this I mean remove the 8k point cap of the 4 categories for each side as I don't really see a reason for it to be there. I get that it's likely there to encourage diversity in the actions you do but it just feels weird to suddenly stop getting points doing something because you've maxed that category out.
Now i'm not saying to remove the 32k point cap per match, that can stay. You can even keep the tracker circle around the category icons whenever you earn points but instead of it tracking each category individually the circle would fill up related to the total amount of points you have. With the complete red circle meaning you've hit 32k as opposed to 8k in a single category.
Yes, 100% yes. As Survivor, I max out in Objective and then I can repair and dont get anymore points. Or open a Gate and dont get any points. I guess the game wants to tell me I should not do anymore Gens. And meanwhile I get 400 BPs for Survival.
As Killer its the same, not sacrificing everyone will not award 8k Points in the Sacrifice Category, but Hunting or Brutality might be maxed out. Same with Deviousness on some Killers.
They really should get rid of the 8k Cap per Category.
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It's a bit of a pain with Survivor due to the Survival category having very few actions that award points. With escaping giving you the bulk of it at 5k. So it's already pretty dang tough to hit the cap as a Survivor anyway.
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I'd say get rid of both the category and 32k cap. If I can take up 15,000 Boldness points why not let me have it? Same with killer. I pretty much always have Hunter maxed out early. There's honestly no need for the cap.
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the problem is wouldnt you just run doctor or someone with bbq and a survivor pudding then just shock and aoe shock and aoe shock and aoe and net like so many bp at the end?
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The 32k cap per game should stay. Otherwise people could farm up a million points per game and with how frequent farming becomes during events, this would without a doubt become common. Farming games are bloody boring.
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If that's how they want to play why not? Both sides could theoretically rake in tons of points. Which means less grind. And I imagine we'd all enjoy less grind.
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we would but knowing the devs probably are well aware of the bs grind and really dont care theyd probably not agree to this.
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I guess its for not abusing it. People could just farm for ever. Hit -> heal -> Hit -> Heal. They should increase the cap but not removing it.
I wish more they would remove the max BP you can store atleast on events.
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Unfortunately probably not.
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You mean let people score and earn bp for what they do instead of capping it to increase the endless grind? Heresy.
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But then farming games would become really common and make the game overall boring to play.
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Just make it so there is a limit of 32,000 but it can be from anywhere. Cause if you’re being chased for the whole match you won’t get a lot of blood points.
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That's the point i'm trying to make. Although summed up very well.
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Pretty sure you stop earning points for certain actions if you do them too much
like, after a while shocking wont earn you anymore points. same thing for hag traps being triggered