The Killer Rulebook has only one Rule!

"Kill them how ever you see fit"
That's it Survivor Mains. There are no more rules for Killers. It's that simple. I know your rulebook has over a 1000 rules a Killer needs to use in order for you to have fun. But Killers don't care about your rules. Killers only follow the one and only rule. PERIOD!
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I was sure this was your first post.
Another 5 seconds of pointless reading I cant get back.
Although I love how you followed the word period with an exclamation point!
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This man, the chosen of all the killer mains, as spoken
Both sides have stupid rulebooks
Stop being bias
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Nah, the one rule I have, either side, is have fun.
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How is he being biased lol
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I like you 😀.
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I still have not seen this survivor rule book! Period
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This cracked me up LMAOOOOO PleAsEEE
I hate it LOL
I feel like that killer exists
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As long as you don't go out of your way to annoy other players who treat you perfectly normal, sure. Killing is the killer's job.
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"Heh. These survivor mains never learn..."
*turns around and puts sunglasses on*
*all the survivors explode and they're salty because they just got outplayed*
*crowd rises and cheers for anon*
*a whole harem of attractive women start fighting for him*
*the president give him the key to the city for being that good at dbd*
"All in a days work. GG ez toxic swf bullies B)"
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I feel like a lot of killers and survivors seem to have this whole "The other side doesn't deserve to have fun" head space where they kick off the match and already hoes mad.
Like how is it fun to play games with this kind of aggressive mentality? Do people still understand that games are meant for the fun of all participating and not just you, yourself?
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I play on both sides equally.But I like that you didn’t mention killers who go out of their way to purposely ruin a survivors game experience.
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Where is this rule book you speak of?
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By claming survivors have thousands of stupid rules for killers but killers dont have any stupid rules for survivors "lol"
Both sides have stupid rulebooks
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*from the back of the crowd* Who the ######### is this guy again?
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and there is also 1 survivor rule it says
"Im not waiting in the lobby to give a entitled killer the enjoyment to make my game experience worse"
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survivor's rule book also has only one rule: survive. don't go cry to your mom if you get gen rushed by a 4 man swf with one nea that spent the whole trial click-clicking on your ass and teabagging on every pallet after all the team have headoned you on shack
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Aggressive mentality? You understand the game is about killing people right? If you wanted a game without that kind of mentality what are you even playing this game for?
If any game, whether it's violent or not, has even a little bit of competition between players, drastically increases the rate at which people don't have fun. Because for some reason we've attributed having fun to be synonymous with winning.
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I know that the game is about killing, and I am here for competition, but I've never played a game wholeheartedly hating the "enemy" team and being so bitter about it, if that makes sense, or going out of my way to make their life hell barring instances where they start it with me. I just don't understand how that is enjoyable, is what I'm saying. It personally seems exhausting to me.
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Gonna be honest, you're one of the chillest people on the forums.
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Rulebooks only exist if you let them. I bind myself to fun, fair, balanced gameplay. If I bring a mori, I use it on death hook. If I tunnel, I feel bad. If I camp, I feel bad, unless I'm Wraith on Mount Ormond Resort, they sent us to the map, and they got safe pallet into jungle gym (long wall) into jungle gym (c-wall) into safe pallet into jungle gym (c-wall) into safe pallet into shack, in which case I do not feel bad for camping 2 teammates because you were idiots and somehow died there. Additionally, I let toxicity die with me, I don't tbag or click, I don't force a DS, use Dead Hard or Adrenaline (sprint burst is fair game tho), and just because I bring a flashlight doesn't mean I can use it.
If you want to play how you want to, go for it. Even if I cared enough to want to I couldn't stop you. My only advice is to not expect people to like it. Get that through your head and you're good to go for both sides.
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have my ranting moments as well though.
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We all do. Should have seen me when Deathslinger came out, decided to take my anger to the forums rather than irl.
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I wish you were my neighbor😀.
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Like what rule for survivors?
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Wish you were my roommate, although you'd get sick of hearing my ranting.
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In fairness, I don't really see any "rules" that killers have for survivors, though. Sure, killers complain about gen speed as a game balance question, but no one says, "HEY, DON'T DO GENS!" or something.
Meanwhile, killers often feel like the community is telling them not to do anything. Constant complaints about literally every potential strategy. People asking for things to be ban worthy offenses. People asking for changes to the game to keep killers from doing one thing or another. Don't chase that person, don't hit that person, don't hook someone you hooked before, don't be within sight of a hook, don't defend gens if they're close together, don't down someone if they unhook themselves, give the last guy the hatch, don't defend doors if they're too close together, the list just goes on and on and on.
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There are no rules
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lol oh I’m a pretty good listener when others want to rant.Sometimes it’s good to let it all out😀. Now unless there is a chair involved and it’s within reach I’ll gladly take it away.
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You'd be a great roommate tbf, all of mine are sick of my ranting.
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That’s why every neighborhood and house needs a Madea like character send her in to smack your roommates😂.
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😂 Shame I didn't meet people like you earlier in my life.
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They never claimed that killers dont have stupid rules, quit making ######### up.
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another main loser.
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Why thou who am I impressing and why
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Survivors are going to use everything at their disposal, "skillful" or not, so why must killers abide by these invisible rules? Also this isn't an honest life lol, this is a game where I dunk people on hooks for the pleasure of some eldritch being
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First off, you're assuming that I camp and tunnel because of my response. I do not use these "strats" because yes, it does indeed waste a ton of time and actively causes you to lose points in the higher ranks. However there are people that do use these strats for a variety of reasons. Maybe they aren't good at the game, maybe they flat out just don't care. The truth of the matter is that everybody has different play styles and at the end of the day they're going to do whatever they want to do. And who's to stop them? This is what I meant by my post. Survivors do not play by the "rules" that killers set for them, so why should killers have to as well?
I addressed the "honest life" thing because this is a game where people can play as a brutal killer and murder people. From a casual standpoint, why would they want to play "fairly" and not do any of these things that are deemed toxic by the community? Their goal is to kill you, so they'll do whatever they can to achieve this. Once they get better at the game and realize that those strats don't really work anymore, they'll either adapt, quit playing, or stay stuck in the low ranks forever. You know what that means? You can outrank these campers/tunnelers. This is why I don't understand why there are so many complaints about them, unless this forum is filled with nothing but low ranks.
Based off of your response though I think we agree with each other, just a small misunderstanding
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There's only one rule to the game... live or die....
Make your choice.