Just everyone's honest opinion with no bias, are survivors just being ignored buffwise?

Literally just curious, because a friend of mine basically quit the game because he believes that Pyramid Head is unbeatable in his current state (as in he is fast and his ranged attack makes him difficult to try to stun and run) and that survivors didn't get any sort of compensation, and I'm trying to convince him to come back to the game. I'm hoping that someone can give me something that I can use to convince him to come back.
Games probably about as balanced as it ever has been, show him old videos of machine gun huntress and 115% speed pre-nerf nurse.
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You can’t expect unbiased opinions without there being bias people.
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Because survivors in a party have way too much power..a killer can lose a gen before locating one person..and if chases are not short you have no chance of winning, as for ph..hes honestly almost weak..if he didnt have his zoning hed be weak..his line attack is the reason for this, it's so slow and narrow it can be avoided easily, plus dead hard is a garunteed miss with heavy punishment because of the attack cd..he honestly needs that straightened out
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PH is as fast as the majority of other Killers, slower when he's leaving trails. Don't try to stun and run. PH is not even top 5 killers.
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I recommend your friend should practice against the killer before quiting. PH isn't super strong once you understand how to play against him. His ranged attack is easy to dodge and his trail slows him a bit and can be crouched over. Survivors didn't need a some help since they've got all they need. Loops, stealth, and items/perks.
Once you've got him figured out he isn't the un beatable killer some view him as.
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considering that they were the powerrole its only natural that, uppon balancing the game, survivors would get the stick over and over until its fair.
its still not entirely fair, but honestly i feel like its decently balanced right now and therefore no one needs any big buffs anymore.
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"Ignored" would imply that they need buffs. They don't.
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Now I will the first to admit that the devs are always on your ball when it comes to balance changes.
Just look at the Howling grounds (no I will not let that go because it was an intentional change)
But strides have been made in a good Direction for balance and that's for both parties.
Removal of insta moris.
Changing dying light to be less of a middle finger to The Obsession.
Ruin changes.
Endgame reverse bear traps vs endgame collapse ( this is a personal pet peeve of mine as it took away the second most entertaining aspect of pig but I can understand why it was done)
Nurse changes no more 7 blinks or Omega blink.
Remove the ability to do machine gun hatchet builds.
What a lot of people tend to forget is there's only so much they could do in terms of balance without completely tipping the scales in the wrong favour.
Most survivor means we'll bring up the massive influx of nerfs however a lot of these what done to come back problems that they should not have been in the game.
Balanced landing should not have been able to create influence.
Insta heals should not have been able to remove all the progress made in a chase.
Due to the maps layout it was way too easy to chain Loops and when I say way too easy I'm not even talking about for good survivors your average Meghead could do it.
Does Dead by daylight still have a lot of ground to cover before it hits a sweet spot of balance yes but the game has been more balanced than it ever was
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They are the power role so uh idk man. Also medium vaults were buffed so that is a massive survivor buff. Also you can look at any killer nerf as a survivor buff.
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You will be teared apart in this Forum for that.
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Survivors doesn't need a buffs. Only their perks. Most of them should have a kindred treatment to be amazing for solo players and useless for SWF.
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You really think survivors need buffs?
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just run 4 second chance perks like everyone else
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Honestly just quitting if on the person some people just can't bring themselves to rise to challenges. If you really enjoy playing the game with them maybe just invite them but don't force them to come play it with you. Eventually they might play enough to overcome the challenge before them or they will just give up on the game altogether because its just not for them anymore either way you will just have to accept it.
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Because survivors don't need buffs in the first place. Ever since Curtain Call came out in June 2018 the game has been been becoming more and more balanced than it's ever been. Just take a look back at any point from 2016-2018 and you'll see how obscenely broken survivors were. That isn't saying killers haven't received or needed their share of nerfs, Nurse finally got reworked, so did Spirit, and Legion got nerfed into the ground, but all of these were better for the games health. As it currently is the game is in a much better spot than it ever has been.
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He should change how he plays against a PH, try being more sneaky and avoid getting in chase as much as possible. It will also help to wait until less people are playing as PH, hes still new so you'll see him more than normal.
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Nah, I play both sides. Survivor is a lot more fun because the odds are in your favor. Your team has to make mistakes to lose. Killers often have to run certain perks just to have 2 gens not pop within the first minute or two. 4v1 becomes a lot harder too depending on how many in that 4 have a line of communication outside of the game open.
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I would say that their ignoring a majority of the survivors fun in chases with the most recent killers
a lot of the new killers powers are just one sided anti loop that gives the survivor lose-lose situations, doesnt matter what they do or how good the survivor is at the game
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Let your friend know Decisive Strike hasn't been nerfed (yet).
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Tell him to stop being a wuss. Ive been playing ph all day and have lost plenty of games.