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PC - Game bugged out when placing player into cage of atonement

step 1) As the executioner, I placed a rites trail near a pallet
step 2) A survivor ran into the rites trail
step 3) The survivor was downed almost immediately after stepping on the trail.
step 4) the downed survivor crawled over to the pallet before being sent to a cage of atonement
The survivor's position was not visible to me. I ran into him by chance. He was stuck floating in an invisible cage (I've included a screenshot showing what it looked like).
Other survivors tried to interact with him but it seems like they couldn't. The survivor in the cage had a sacrifice timer that ticked down very slowly but only a little bit of the way. Then it seemingly stopped going down altogether. Once all of the other survivors were killed, I found the exit gate and closed it. I waited out the endgame collapse timer but survivor in the cage was not sacrificed. The round only ended when I left the game.