

Would you like to see this original killer?

Member Posts: 64
edited June 2020 in Polls

Ok guys, i sincerely lack the skills to create a proper banner for a new killer, so i am only going to explain my idea.

With the release of piramid head we really need a new original killer. So listen up and if you like it vote it and bring this to BHVR attention

Welcome the Hive! This killer is based on One of human most common fears; Bugs!

Let's set a template for the lore. I imagine this killer being a wicked scientist, studying the possibility to train bugs (especially wasps and bees) to create weapons. Like a killer wasp who can be trained to recognize a particular human (maybe with feromones or something like that, who knows?) And assault him, killing him maybe with tons of stings or who knows... Devs are sure much better than me with lore.

Let's go with his power. The hive is now a resurrected creature which body became a whole hive for several kind of bugs. Maggots, worms, bees, wasps, flies... And so, he should be able to use them at his own will. Let's say his power is similar to the one the plague has. He can unleash bugs on either survivors, pallets or generators. He must be close range, let's say 2/3 meters more than what he needs to do a basic non lounge attack. He can cast his power once every 30 seconds.

If the targets is a generator, he will unleash tons of maggots that slow down the repairing, increase speed at which gens regress and make skill checks harder to complete. If a skill check is failed, maggots attack the survivor, causing random (but rare) screams of pain/fear, but cannot damage the survivor anyway. Maggots on a generator remain until the gen regress of 30% OR it gets repaired by 50% more than it's actual state. They only last for 45 seconds on a survivor unless he does an action like we do when doctor puts us on insanity 3.

If the target is a pallet, he unleash termites for 30 seconds. If a survivor use the pallet to stun the killer within 30 seconds, or if the killer has to break it, both the stun and destroy animation last 30% less. Not too shabby, especially if it stacks with same effects from Perks

What if he use his power on a survivor, then? He can unleash flies/bees/wasps, depending on the numeber of generators completed.

0-1, flies. Survivors infested by flies emits a faint noise, which can be heard if the killer is close. (Useful if the survivor is sneaking). Also, if injured, the survivor is also broken. it lasts 20 seconds. Then they go sleeping..more on that later (broken lasts till healed)

2-3 gens bees. They make the survivor suffer and make the same noises of an injured survivor (or increase the volume slightly if already injured) but without the blood loss. They also give you broken status and major blood loss if already injured. Their effect lasts 30 seconds (broken last till healed) Then they go sleeping.. more later

4-5 gens he unleash killer wasps. If a survivor cannot get rid of them in 30 seconds, (timer stops if survivor is in chase or hiding in a Locker) they deplete a whole health status to the survivor, and then go sleeping.

Bugs cannot be cleansed if sleeping, unless you heal with a med pack or get healed with a med pack.

Bugs can infest another survivor if he tries to heal the infested survivor.

You can't see which bugs infest another survivor, but with high volume you can hear different buzzings if they are not sleeping.

To clean yourself from a non sleeping bug you have to perform an action like you do with doctor. Off course you need skill checks.

If you get hooked you get rid of any bug, sleeping or awake.

Now about perks; the hive punishes severely survivors who cooperate.

Perk 1) Hive Mind. You can see the aura of Survivors doing any coop action within 20-25-30 meters.

Perk 2) Hex infestation; if a survivor suffering from any negative status effect is injured gets healed by another injured survivor, the healing speed is lowered of 10-20-30%, and the one who is performing the healing action gets the same status effect and cannot be healed for the next 5-10-15 seconds.

Perk 3) creeping fear; if a survivor is put in the dying state, until he gets hooked or healed by one health status, you can see the aura of any survivor who's 10-15-20 meters away from the dying one.

About the weapon of this killer... I think a short spear, like a stinger, would be wonderful.

Now tell me my friends, what do you think about this? Any suggestion is well received

EDIT, HELP I DON'T KNOW HOW CAN I ADD POLL OPTIONS. I'm getting crazy and feel so stupid ahahhaha... If any dev may help me, adding a poll option with Yes and one with no, i would be so grateful. Thank you! And please comment me how to do it by myself

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  • Member Posts: 1,862

    Sounds like a roundabout way of getting Candyman in the game, just adding other species of insects to the mix.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    I think this goes on fan made creations. asking "is my idea good" or "is this artwork good" is weird.

  • Member Posts: 64

    You are right thanks for the advice

    I had no idea about who candyman is so i had to check and... Well you are quite right. Sorry pal. Thought it could be original.

  • Member Posts: 3,703
    edited June 2020

    I like the idea of an insect-associated killer, but with your concept I have a couple of perk issues:

    -'Hive Mind' is far too op. It works as a combination of Discordance and Nurse's Call.

    -'Creeping Fear' would encourage slugging and camping. Also, imagine a dying survivor simply crawling toward healthy survivors and giving their position away. It would be a nightmare.

  • Member Posts: 64

    You are effectively right. Especially about the 3rd perk, but this can be tweaked! Also, i moved the discussion in the creation thread, and i don't know how to delete this old one lol

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited June 2020

    Candyman is a huge community request, and a licensed killer people have been talking about for sometime now, there is some serious possibility we could see him in game in the future.

    Also, just to briefly touch on your perk ideas most all of them are just extremely powerful buffed versions of existing perks.

    Perk 1 is an insanely buffed Nurse's Calling, since it now applies to all coop actions.

    Perk 3 is an insanely buffed Deerstalker, actively encouraging slugging as the dying bodies serve as large spycams within a 20 meter radius (which is huge)

    Perk 2 is a weird one, and I don't think I fully understand it but it sounds like it's got a really broad scope of synergy with different add-ons and perks. Which isn't a bad thing, but with the trend of your other really powerfully broken perks I'd be worried this would suffer from similar issues.

    For perks 1 & 3 you'd have to reduce the range these work at dramatically for them to not be stupidly unbalanced, even then I'm not sure how healthy they would be for the game, especially perk 3 which actively promotes slugging. Regardless of your opinion of it, whether it's fine or not fine, slugging is a controversial strategy much like tunneling and camping, and while nobody is saying you can't do those things (I do myself from time to time when necessary) perks are, generally speaking, never or rarely created to promote these strategies.

  • Member Posts: 64

    About perk 2, is just a hex totem that makes healing other players very punishing, forcing them to do totems and consequently slowing the game. The perfect counter for genrush.

    Perk 1, with coop action i actually mean any action that involves 2 survivors doing the same thing actively. 2 survivors on the same gen, 2 survivor healing the same dying/injured one etc etc... So you cannot see any survivor healing himself or being healed by a single survivor. So is not a nurse calling op version, rather a different one.

    About perk 3, i agree with you to some extent, but i'm sure i mispelled something since english is not my main language. What i actually had in mind, you have to actually Camp the downed survivor or be within 20 meters (reducing the range is a viable option) to see survivors approaching him and healing him. Is like a slugging radar, good in pair with the perk that gives you undetectable if you stand still. I checked, i actually wrote the exact opposite thing of what i tought. Why am i so dumb? Anyway, since survivors bleeding out is not rewarding in terms of pips for killers, i don't think it actually encourage slugging, but makes it problematic for survivors who slog away if killer gets distracted.

    Yes, it may seem op, i know. But off course the last word goes to the devs, and it was created to bring difficulties in SWF comm parties, which is actually a smart move but totally annoying.

    Last note... I actually recalled my mother telling me horror good night stories since i was around 5, and one of these was about candyman. But i never saw any film or something about it. Still believe this multi bug mostruosity may be very interesting for players

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    I'll just keep away from perk 2 since I either don't fully understand what you mean by it or I don't have an issue with it.

    As for perk 1 I recognize that, but even if it only reveals "coop actions" it's still a more powerful, if slightly different version of Nurse's Calling because it still reveals the auras of survivors trying to pull off group heals alongside other coop actions like repairing generators. Keep in mind the only reason it's unbalanced as it is is because of the massive range you have it set to, but even with a smaller range I'm not sure if that would make a difference in how unhealthy it is for the game, because either it's nerfed and the range is so short that it becomes redundant you should hear or see those coop actions taking place without the aura reading, or it's so long that it becomes oppressively unbalanced revealing a lot of information in too many instances across a trial.

    My previous statement about perk 3 still stands. Rarely are perks ever created with the intent of encouraging controversial strategies like Slugging, Tunneling, or Camping. Which you combined two in one by suggesting that the perk only works when you're close by and it would make good synergy with the undetectable status effect, so you just created a perk that encourages merging both camping and tunneling. Which is a big no.

    Punishing SWF groups is a noble goal, although it shouldn't be done at the expense of creating an unfair and unbalanced game for solo survivors which these perks would probably punish and hit the hardest.

    But sure, as a concept, a killer who controls insects is interesting to think about. As long it doesn't overstep and prevent Candyman from getting in the game, there could be room to see both.

  • Member Posts: 64

    About the issue about both killers, Remember hillbilly was originally inspired by leatherface and then they also had the license for him. We can have both. And the fact that we can have multiple insects make it more scary than a simple bee killer.

    About perk 2, the idea is simple. As long as the totem Is not cleansed, healing any survivor who's affected by a status effect becomes too risky unless you are already healty, so a survivor could only risk that if he knows the killer is very far away. Especially because he can't be healed for 15 seconds after that, but also because healing a surv who's affected by insanity, plague infection, vulnerable or broken inflicts the same debuff on the savior. The use is to discourage altruism, or to allow it only under safe conditions. So you can actually counter the act of 2 survivors injured by you running away and healing themselves with quick heal perks. It makes the game slower, and since the game is a race against the clock for killers, you may gain a few seconds or even minutes if survivors have to find the totem. It's not lethal, but very annoying.

    Perk 1 may be very unbalanced unless you learn how to counter it (don't do these things, stay away from others, don't trust your companions or do it if you are not in terror radius). It's pretty straight forward once you learn it. This is real pressure, because this way you're really slowing down the game, forcing survivors to work on different parts of the map

    About perk 3, you may be right, but i don't see a real threat if we tweak it a bit. For instance we can set is aura Reading ability only if you are at least 50-45-40 meters AWAY from the survivor, and then see who's 3/6/10 meters from him. So you can have a glimpse of what happens if you patrol the area farther away leaving a slugged survivor as a "bait" so you know if the others are actually busy with him or elsewhere doing generators

    Off course the devs could simply delete it

  • Member Posts: 732

    This is an interesting concept!! Could get some tweaks here and there but I like it :D that being said if you put maggots in the game I will cry because they just... disturb me so much... I would probably have to get used to playing against this killer because worms/maggots and such are like a huge phobia of mine lol

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Broken until healed means broken forever. Broken Survivors cannot be healed.

  • Member Posts: 64

    Playing with people fear and disgust is the main thing for horror games. Despite being often described as a party game, dbd is actually a robust horror game that gives the chance to go in various field. If i had to play a licensed horror game about, let's say, alien? I could not expect ghost or demons. Instead DbD can give us a costantly growing offer.

    Also, if i had to recall one of the most terrifying moment in my 22 years of gaming (at the age of 4 my mother started playing horror games on my PS1 With me) i would hand down choose the moment in silent hill 2 where james's flash light runs of battery and the Moment you change them and turn it on again you find that THE WHOLE ROOM, including ceiling and walls Is crawling with roaches. I got so scared that i shut off the computer

    I was 21.

    You are right, but is hard to keep track of status effects in english when i play the game in italian, so i got confused. That being said, perk 2 actually inflicts Broken status effect to the injured survivor who healed another survivor for 5-10-15 seconds. Is Just a temporary broken effect, but it really slow down those survivors who heals each other in a matter of seconds thanks to medikits and perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited June 2020

    That's why I agreed that on a conceptual level an original killer that shows off BHVR's creative muscles, often which take inspiration from movie characters. Hillbilly and Leatherface is just scraping the bottom of the barrel, for the longest time people thought Legion was going to be BHVR's version of Scream because they couldn't get the license (but eventually they did). Trapper is inspired by Jason Voorhees, if we eventually get Jason down the line then we'll have those two as well, and if we get Pennywise we'll also have two killer clowns as well.

    So no, I'm not saying it's impossible, but I am saying to not get your hopes up because the way you have this killer set up he has access to "insects" as a whole general power which is a very broad category to cover. I say that because that's going to require a level of tech and effort never before seen in Dead By Daylight because you'd have to create and model the individual insects themselves, create animations for those insects, then program some kind of behavior for how they act in a swarm, how they interact with different objects, etc. so on and so forth.

    It would be very complicated and complex to create, especially all for an original killer which could go either way in terms of community response, if people don't like the killer there's nothing that can save him or her except a lot of time money and effort for months maybe even years spent on fixing an unsuccessful release. Whereas a licensed killer already has an established fanbase, even if it turns out to be subpar there will still be people out there who will want to play as that character regardless.

    Which is why instead of seeing candyman as a competitor to your original killer, you should probably see him as a stepping stone instead. With the added security of a licensed property and all its benefits to work with, this would provide the devs with more experience modeling and animating the insects themselves programming how they act in swarms etc. Starting at a smaller scale with bees, and then moving upward if they wanted to use that same concept and take it a step further

    Anyway, back to your perks.

    Your clarification on perk 2 makes it undoubtedly the worst of the three. Killer specific status effect like insanity should NOT be transferrable under any circumstances, that would be absolutely horrible for a number of reasons. Insanity doesn't let you perform many of the interactions necessary for survivor gameplay, you can't heal, you can't cleanse totems, you can't do generators, etc. while also forcing you to scream at intervals revealing your location. It is a powerful effect, balanced only by the fact that you can snap out of it as soon as you are put into madness tier 3.

    Or take Legion for example, putting survivors into the deep wounds status effect, all of a sudden after healing someone else I become injured and put into the deep wounds right away? That's horrible, that doesn't incentivize any amount of skill, it's an incredibly powerful effect that is provided passively so the killer gets the benefits right away without having to do anything, and worst of all it's not even a hex: perk so you can't even get rid of it.

    That is fundamentally gamebreaking on some of the most basic levels of balance in this game.

    And in fact so are all three of your perks. Perk 1 doesn't "seem unbalanced" it IS unbalanced, there isn't counterplay to that, that's basically telling survivors they can't do cooperative actions at all while within your terror radius. The only reason nurse's calling works as a strong but not overpowered perk is because it only reveals the auras of survivors performing one action: healing, your perk reveals survivors performing any cooperative action in the entire game, most importantly working together on generators. In fact it's not just an overbuffed nurse's calling, it's overbuffed nurse's calling combined with discordance.

    Again, my point regarding perk 3 still stands. I'm not going to bother rewriting that point again for the third time.

    And look, I understand the want to punish / nerf SWF groups, and create new strong viable perks for killers rather than the crappy stuff we've been getting for about 4 chapters now. But you have to understand that these concepts are fundamentally gamebreaking on multiple levels, you don't have to listen to my constructive criticism but that would just mean this conversation is no longer a dialogue and I might as well be talking to a brick wall who won't budge.

    And I suspect that my opinions won't change your mind so this will be my last comment on this thread. Again, your killer concept is cool and it could work albeit with a LOT of work to create the power alone, but your perks are wildly unbalanced and would never realistically make it into the game without major changes (and I'm going to be honest I haven't even taken a deeper look into how the killers power worked as you described, for all I know that could be just as bad, but I'm not interested in running down another rabbit hole on this thread, because like I said this is my last comment).


  • Member Posts: 64

    I believe you're taking it a Little personal, or at least that's what it seems. I actually take in consideration these criticism of you, and i would Also note that i'm a main Survivor so i'm working against myself.

    Little note. Perk 2 IS hex perk. You can cancel it by working on the correct totem.

    Insects as of the power are not to be programmed as you say, because they work as a debuff actually. Just a little animation on the activation, then you can simply program a dinamic reskin of pallets, gens, and a little cloud of flying beasts around the surv body who's affected, and when they go sleeping, the just disappear or hide or you diminuish the number of insects in the Cloud. Is not a simple work, but neither a developing nightmare as you depict it.

    About perk 1 e 3, i'm sure devs could simply leave them out of the game without discarding the whole killer concept

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