Idea For Hatch

The main issue i have with the hatch is that survivors that do nothing all game escape for the fact they just hid the entire time.
What i was thinking to make it so you can't just do nothing and escape anyway is the it gets tied to the emblems. For example you have to have silver/gold in light-bringer for the hatch to open when you are the only survivor left. I'm just curious as to what everyone else might think about this.
It could also be point-based, players that fail to reach a certain amount of overall points will not be able to access the hatch. I think 8000 seems to be a fair amount to require, I could even go as far as 10,000, but that would make it impossible if the killer is a try hard.
Overall, there needs to be something put in place where the survivor needs to prove why they deserve to escape. If you have a key, by all means open the hatch even if you have done nothing, but I like your idea for it to be tied to the emblems (which is similar to points though). I would even expand it and say they need to get at least bronze or silver emblems in all categories, except maybe Survival.
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best solution for the Hatch is having it open for 30 seconds like when using a key, and the counter in the hatch logo
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A point system is a decent way, however it's finicky to say you need "x" amount if the match turns super south for the survivors and they manage to get at least 2 generators. At that point the last survivor remaining has technically done enough to earn it, but that raises the question what if they did nothing to help and were the cause, but had the point value? Has the point system then fixed the issue or somewhat made it worse?
A point system for the hatch can work, but you'r probably going to have to add a bunch of "checks" on top of it as well, just to make sure the survivor contributed.
Has Survivor done at least "X" amount of Gen progress.
Has Survivor done at least "X" amount of Unhooks.
But then we get into the risky questions such as could the hatch be obtained from 5 uncompleted generators, but the last survivor has managed to get enough points.Although that's all in theory, the only real problem i see with a point system check for the hatch is this.
Everyone's had this game happen at least once, no matter what your always being chased all game and are unable to perform any other actions in the category's. If your in this situation you possibly wouldn't make the point count for the hatch check. At this point you've technically participated in game play but were hard pressured constantly away from score events.....This started as a 2 line post.
best solution for the Hatch is having it open for 30 seconds like when using a key, and the counter in the hatch logoA nice idea but then it's slightly too strong on the killer's side. Now if it moved physically every 30-60 seconds, then no-one has any real control of it.
It wouldn't solve the "free escape" for nothing issue but it would stop hatch stand-off's by pressuring the survivor to use it.0