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Adept killers

I constantly get 1 bip away from the adept and I dont know how to work around it

do I purposely let them live for an extra chase? let them heal for extra hit? and when they DC does that count against me on stuff?

also any personal tips for your fave killers?

Best Answer

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    Answer ✓

    Yes, sometimes it can be better to down someone and let them get healed up so that you can get an extra chase for the chaser emblem. DCs count as a kill, but for the devout emblem you need at least 10 hooks to get iridescent, so if they DC before being hooked once you lose 1 emblem, after 1 hook you'd still need to hook every other survivor 3 times.

    Some killers also get massively screwed over by their power. Anyone with a one-hit down should NOT use it if they can avoid it. That includes Billy, Bubba, Plague's entire ability, Myers, Ghostface. If you one-hit down, that's half as many chases and half as many hits, and you receive no compensation even though you're playing the killer as intended.
