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Still mad about pyramid head

Pyramid head is still the dumbest killer added to the game. I’m a rank 1 survivor and was playing with a couple purple rank friends we went against a rank 15 pyramid head who got one hook off and just put his trail around the hook and left for another chase. He got one hit off and came back to the hook and facecamped I grabbed the teammate with borrowed but had to run through the trails and take a hit. He just used his power and downed me and chased down the teammate I had just unhooked and sent us to cages. He then hooked me and body blocked the cage till I was almost dead in struggle and almost all the gens were done and when a teammate came to grab me and just down us both cause borrowed and ds don’t work. It’s just a power that allows the killer to camp and tunnel without counter play, and the other part of his power is a multi hit insta down for knocking both players out of the cage. This obviously isn’t the only game this has happened, which is why I’m posting about it. Why is this in the game? It’s a terrible mechanic and makes half the games with pyramid head just unplayable and boring.


  • SilentWraith
    SilentWraith Member Posts: 12

    Sorry for typos/terrible grammar pretty peeved while I was typing this

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    When you want to successfully escape the hook, and it fails everytime...

    and when you want to suicide on hook to avoid being Mori'd by a scummy Wraith who just camps the hook with an Ebony Mori to insta-kill everyone out of the game, and the game lets you escape only to get immediately Mori'd...


  • SilentWraith
    SilentWraith Member Posts: 12

    So basically get on the game and play for about a minute before sitting there and dying. What a lovely gaming system sounds like a lot of fun.

  • SilentWraith
    SilentWraith Member Posts: 12

    At least borrowed works against wraith as long as he’s not in cloak though

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    I know it’s not fun, I never said it was. You think a killer face camping 1 guy all game and then the game ends is having fun? It’s not illegal, it never will be illegal, so just punish the killer by doing gens and leaving. Regardless what people think, camping doesn’t happen as much as people think it does. Do what you can, move onto next game.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    He doesn't have a Multi-instadown. I'm the only one who's got that ability. Also there's still unhook-immunity even for cages and said cages spawn near other survivors and usually on the other side of the map allowing for easy insta-unhooks.

    There's your counterplay. Unhook/uncage immediately before he gets there or just unhook in his face (at full health) while he uses his ranged AOE attack and let the unhook-immunity do its job.

    And if he facecamps a cage just do gens and let him get his 1k-2k+depip similar to a facecamping Bubba, Hillbilly, tier 3 Myers, Oni with demon rage, Plague with blood vomit, shock spamming Doctor etc.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480
    edited June 2020

    Pyramid Head's trails disappear pretty much instantly if you place them right next to a hook or generator. I find it hard to believe you were forced to run over the trail. Even if he put it around the area of the hook, PH can only put so much trail down, and you can crouch to avoid the effect. You might have to take a hit to get over the trail without being affected by it, but that's kind of the tradeoff with that trail. He can't use it if you don't let him.

    Also, his ranged attack isn't even super hard to dodge.

    IDK man, I'm not saying he's exactly a blast to play against, but he isn't nearly as bad as people make him out to be.

    Any Wraith that's camping is going to be doing it stealth, so that's not really going to happen.

    Also, he's not the only killer who can negate BT. Any killer technically can if they want to run insidious, but even Freddy or Pig can remove BT with minimal effort.