Forced penance buff

Mr_executioner Member Posts: 40
edited June 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Even though the perk was buffed it should do more then just Broken here’s how it should be

when a survivor takes a protection hit they will be inflicted with the broken, oblivious and hindered status effect for 40/50/60 secs (Hindered will only be -5% move speed so it’s not busted)


  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,751

    I'd be okay with just hindered and broken. That'd fit the perk description better; oblivious doesn't really jell with "Those who stand in the way of duty will suffer harsh judgement."

    I like the idea of buffing this perk, though. For one, it sucks, but for two, it's a perk that discourages tunnelling. If you can make the person who took the protection hit vulnerable you're more likely to go for them, especially with the threat of BT and DS looming.

  • Mr_executioner
    Mr_executioner Member Posts: 40

    i made have oblivious cause in the trailer they made a mistake saying it applies oblivious but it applies broken people said it should apply both and I agree but I see what your saying

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    The hindered should only last for a few seconds though.