First Post/Doctor Question!


Hey everyone!

I’m new to the forum world of Dead by Daylight and today I have brought with me a question about The Doctor. Just to clear things up, I am not new to the game and have a fair amount of knowledge of both survivor and killer. Right now I am a Rank 8 killer (mostly play this side), and I’m currently trying to get into playing Doctor! Being a higher rank makes learning a new killer difficult since usually I go against red ranks that are obviously better than me, so I’ve come here to ask: what perks and add-ons are best for Doc? Also, is Nurse’s Calling any good on him?


  • MasterGrit
    MasterGrit Member Posts: 331
    edited July 2020

    I think he already has chase potential so i go for BBQ+3 slowdown perks (pop , sloppy , dying light). Addons i think double detonation delay is the best

    reduce the shock delay to 0.5s (purple 0.3s , green 0.2s) it's almost instantly lol

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,903

    Perks - distressing, unnerving presence, huntress lullaby and overcharge. Add calm add on and whatever other add on you like. Massive terror radius when shock not on cool down. Keep the totem up and the survivors will kill the gens themselves with missed skill checks. Can be oppressive on small maps.

    personally I run distressing, unnerving, Pop and then whatever for the 4th, bbq/thana/sloppy etc etc.

    calm and discipline add ons. It’s a good overall slowdown build with good amount of slowdown. No chase perks though so you have to know how to time your shock therapy to shut down loops deny vaults etc.

    He does well with NOED as you can find and down people quickly when that last gen pops.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    My favorite build is Distressing, Coulrophobia, Thanatophobia, Sloppy Butcher. It can be easily countered by genrushing but I love to run this build anyway.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,657

    My personal build includes:

    Pop Goes The Weasel (the best killer perk imo).

    Save The Best For Last (this perk helps most M1 killers in a chase and you can recover faster).

    Infectious Fright (this is basically your win con, doctor is very good for slugging due to being able to trap people in T3 and preventing them picking up the slugs, and being able to combine this with STBFL gives so much snowball potential).

    Barbeque and Chili (this is an incredibly good tracking perk, and doc is a bloodpoint ######### so double bp is beautiful).

    Add-on wise, the best ones imo include High Stimulous Electrode (increases your range at no cost) and then either Iridescent King (for obvious reasons) or "Discipline"- Carter's Notes.

    I say that because it decreases the shock detonation delay by 0.3 seconds, and if I remember correctly the detonation delay is something like 1.5 seconds at base. It doesn't sound like much but they're still shocked for the full 2.5 seconds and it's actually game changing.

    Imo nurses isn't very good on doc since they removed Snap Out Of It as a healing action. It is a pretty good perk overall on everyone ever, but I'd suggest using other perks which play to his strength of easy tracking and better chases.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Discipline and restraint is my favorite combo because it negates BBQ and chili so I can bring useful perks like brutal strength, distressing, sloppy butcher and clauraphobia