Increase gen speeds and revert toolbox changes
Right now as of v.4.0.0 I would probably say toolboxes are in their weakest state ever. The only thing going for toolboxes right now is sabotaging hooks (although most toolboxes arent for that like the mechanics toolbox). Currently I dont think they could make toolboxes better on gens other than if they were to fix gen speeds as a change like that would make gen rushing even more broken. Personally I would almost certainly pick up any other item besides a toolbox except a broken key and I dont actually remember the last time i went into a match with one. I dont know if I'm the only person who's thought about this.
It's already boring enough having to hold M1 for 80 seconds. How about a different objective please?
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Yeah adding secondary objectives is the way to go
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And what do you suggest they add?
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How about making dull totems actually do something? Either make each dull totem carry a 2% gen speed debuff for each dull totem remaining until cleansed, or, when a survivor cleanses a totem, the individual survivor gets a stackable 2% gen speed buff for each totem cleansed.
There are so many simple solutions that utilize existing mechanics, but they're afraid to tinker with the basic gameplay formula.
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First of all items are for noobs
and there’s no problem with gen speed at the moment, in fact it could be a bit slower tbh
i play both sides equally btw
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What do you mean items are for noobs lol
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Just a joke lol but you don’t really need items especially toolboxes
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Yes, medkits are for noobs that do not want to use self care and waste 2x the amount it takes to heal
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You realize that if you use self care or get healed by someone else it takes 32 seconds either way..
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That's one more person not doing objectives
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Self care takes you 32 seconds away from your objective and having someone else heal you takes 16 seconds away from your objective x2 bc it takes 2 survivors to heal so you’re still wasting a net 32 seconds either way
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i don't agree with this even as a survivor main but it would be nice to have a toolbox buff/rework
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1, That's what the tryhards say as they click their purple flashlight 2, gens i think are okay atm and if your having problems with gen rushing you're not applying enough pressure 3, who asked?
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you are a survivor main right?
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Toolboxes right now are for sabotaging or countering a 3 gen situation.
If you use it on the first gen you see that is bound to be safe then i'm not surprised you're dissapointed in them