How to fix matchmaking - Visible ranks
My suggestion is simple. Show survivor ranks to the killer, and show the killer rank to survivors. This would leave the decision of whether or not the match is fair to the players.
Most people have 2 complaints with this.
- Players will purposefully seek out unfair matches.
- Players may try to rank up easily using this system.
First, if a player seeks out an unfair match, it will be up to the players in that match to decide whether or not to play. If a red rank killer looks for a green rank match, the green rank players are likely to leave.
Second, you can already abuse the ranking system to easily reach rank 1 (which isn't that hard anyways). There are plenty of red ranks that play with rank 20 players in order to rank up or keep their rank 1.
Obviously it would be far better if the ranking system would match equal skilled players without showing the ranks, but for some reason this isn't happening. So, this is the best alternative I can think of.
Anything is better then what junk we have now... I"m not great.. I'm around R15-16 killer at the moment.. but I get put against Rank 1-4s frequently. I just had a game where they were running circles around me.. magically dodging hits... (All this before they escaped and called me a #########.....)
Zero fun was had by me that game... Can't I have a chance to be pitted against people around my skill level??????? Learn gradually? I'd gladly leave a red rank room to a killer how would have fun AND give them a challenge...
It doesn't happen much, but I've been against the odd R20, and I feel sorry for them too....
Majorly unbalanced matches just making people walk away and play something else... it's just not fun to be totally out classed...
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Yeah and my hope would be that if the lobby is too high rank for the killer they leave so a higher rank killer can join, and if a survivor is too low ranked they leave so someone else can take that 4th spot.