What would be your builds without meta perks?

RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

If youre a killer main then give me your build on your favorite killer :)

So if this perks were banned what would you run on survivor and killer?


Adrenaline, Borrowed time, Iron Will, Sprint burst, Lithe, Head on, Balanced landing, Dead hard, Decisive Strike, Self care, Inner strength, we will make it, Unbreakable, Prove thyself, urban evasion, object of obsession, deliverance and spine chill.


Noed, BBQ, Corrupt intervention, Safe the best for last, Devour hope, Ruin, Nurses calling, Thanatophobia, monitor and abuse, Pop goes the weasel, Rancor, Infectous fright, and of course the best perk of them all: monstrous shrine ;)

I know not all of this perks are meta, but I see all of them quite often and its my thread ;)

So these perks are banned. What would you run?


  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    Ill start:

    Im a PH main since he came out and will stay on him and this would be my build:

    Whispers, Dark Devotion, Tinkerer and thrilling tremors. I would go for undetecable hits with my ranged attack for easy pressure.


    Dance with me, Quick and quiet, Fixated and Plunderers instinct.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Assuming I have all perks unlocked :

    Survivor : Ace in the Hole, Plunderer's Instinct, Empathy and Diversion.

    Spirit : Surveillance, Surge, Sloppy Butcher and Deathbound.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    why did you have to ban Iron Will Dx

    now i actually gotta come up with something...

    okay, the first 3 perks are easy, as they are already part of my usual survivor build:

    • Plunderers Instinct
    • Ace In The Hole
    • Kindred

    now, since i have to replace Iron Will, which heavily restricts my stealth abilities, i will have to go with something different that allows me to get some other use. i was thinking about Botany Knowledge, as, if i get a medkit from a chest, i can get myself healed up in no time, making up for the loss of not making noise while injured.

    However, other perks might benefit me aswell, especially those that reveal my fellow team to me i can go to when i need heals. Therefore i think Aftercare, Bond or Empathy would be good picks for that slot aswell.

    now for killer, this one is definitely a lot more difficult, as you just banned away almost everything that slows down the game.

    idk, Discordance is the only perk i can think of running 24/7 now... but without PGTW, Monitor and Nurses im gonna have a hard time tbh. at least PGTW and Monitor i run religiously on almost all my killers - Moitor could be replaced with Shadowborn though, that could work out. i still dont think i would really stand a chance against most without having any tool of slowing the game down (as you basically removed 95% of all the slow down tools i have), so maybe Thrilling Tremors, Surge or Dying Light would come in handy? however, im not a big fan of Dying Light, due to its heavy restrictions and buff it gives the obsession, aswell as its lack of earlygame pressure.

    yeah im gonna stick with that for now: Discordance, Shadowborn, Thrilling Tremors and Surge. i would probaply not be able to play most of the killers i enjoy playing though, as the lack of perks to cover their weaknesses would make them even more unviable choices.

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    Thanks :)

    I have to ban the slow down perks because Without second chance perks of survivors it would be fair imo^^

  • uBoluCha
    uBoluCha Member Posts: 121

    survivor : Bond, Kindred, Diversion, Autodidact

    killer : surge, surveillance, lullaby, sloppy meat

  • Jigsaw_pprentice1993
    Jigsaw_pprentice1993 Member Posts: 225

    survivor i barely run meta i run wglf for the points , well make it i just like to use it , second wind , and usually resiliance with it

    killer brutal strenght overcharge agitation make your choice

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Spirit: Make Your Choice(super underrated perk btw), Dark Devotion, BBQ, and PGTW

    Survivor: Resilience, IW, We'll Make it, Kindred

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Wait why van rancor that isnt meta i think...

    Well for killer; surge, trilling termors, sloppy, and last discordance.

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    Some of these Perks are not meta, but i think If I ban all the second chance perks for survivors I should also ban insta down mori things^^

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708
    edited July 2020

    Rancor meta, lol?

    Survivor, I barely ever use strictly meta perks anyway, so slightly adjusting the perks:

    1) Autodidact, Solidarity, Empathy, Calm Spirit.

    2) Lightweight, Quick&Quiet, Dance With Me, Bond

    Killer, that strictly depends on the killer itself, but general build:

    Thrilling Tremors (it is meta btw), Brutal Strength, Surge, Survilence.

    Discordance, Surge, Survilence, Thrilling.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184
    edited July 2020

    Mmm I already don't play with meta perks too much! On survivor I use

    Second Wind

    We'll Make It

    Blood Pact

    Botany Knowledge (I like healing c:)

    And on killer I use (PH and Spirit)

    Death Bound

    Forced Penance


    Brutal Strength!

    I think any perk build can win if the player is good enough!

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    I dont own PH yet (I wont buy any killers until BHVR fixes my rank update/reset error), but did you try out his ultra rare yet? I mean the one that gives you undetectable if you stand on a tormented trail. You seem to like the undetectable status and I can imagine that there are some creative ways to use it (especially against bt: just torment and stand on it, if they rescue in your face or being a basement camper without insidious) :)

    Currently I'm running inner, dh, aftercare and botany. I know inner and dh are listed as "meta", but all exhaustion perks are somewhat meta. I replaced kindred with aftercare, you get so much value of it during the game. It's also nice that they can see you from any distance.

    Killer: cant play killer, gave up (due to rank update error). But I'm guilty of using mostly meta perks, bc I'm too afraid of a match that ends in a few minutes.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I already don't use meta perks too much on either side, so my typical Survivor build is Kindred, Windows of Opportunity, Pharmacy and Lightweight. By the way, Windows of Opportunity really is a great perk for avoiding dead zones, used pallets and planning out your escape route! 😛

    And for Killer, I mainly play Nurse, Wraith and Deathslinger, so I would use Make Your Choice, Discordance, Iron Maiden and probably Knock Out or Brutal Strength. I usually use Monitor and Abuse on Nurse and Corrupt Intervention on Deathslinger, so I had to switch those out... but I always love using Iron Maiden (especially on Nurse and Wraith), and Discordance is base on nearly every Killer I play! Make Your Choice also comes in handy on all three, so I have been using it in every game as of late! And having a flat increase to breaking speeds is always nice with Brutal Strength.

  • SketchyPenguin
    SketchyPenguin Member Posts: 141



    Botany Knowledge


  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited July 2020

    Survivor: Stakeout, Kindred, For The People and Small Game. Always take a Med-Kit


    Survivor: Stakeout, Kindred, For The People and Open Handed

    Killer it depends.

    Spirit: Sloppy Butcher (how is this not in your list? lol), Discordance, Surge, Stridor

    Clown: Dark Devotion, Nemesis, Trails of Torment, Discordance

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682


    Kindred, Botany Knowledge, Alert, Hope


    Play with your food, Nemesis, I'm all Ears, Discordance

    That was a fun exercise, I wish they would do events like other games have, where certain perks are "banned" for a week or weekend, just to shake up the game a little.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188


    Normally, I would have my fun obsession build, but as you banned Rancor for some reason, I have to abandon it.

    I have been having fun with this build though: Forced Penance, Mad Grit, Blood echo, and Huntress Lullaby.

    Forced Penance is actually a really good perk. There is no cooldown, and it tracks the progress of the last person who took a protection hit... and legion actually forces protection hits a lot with frenzy. It can replace the Legion Pin, and is more applicable in a match. Blood Echo and Mad grit go well for obvious reasons... but lullaby is my only gen perk. It also allows me to a hit more easily as they have to focus on the skill checks... if it works.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2020

    So I actually like the idea of this thread but I have to ask how did NOEd, dyning light, sloppy and whispers not make your list of meta killer perks? I could almost see why dyning light, but the others... Just curious.


    • Pig: Spies, Brutal, Blood Warden/Cruel Limits, Trail of Torment
    • Huntress: Bitter Murmer, Spies, Shadowborn, Iron Maiden
    • Triangle Head: I already play him perkless
    • Spirit: I already play her perkless


    • Autodidact, Resilience, Leader and Prove Thyself
  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546
    edited July 2020

    Killer: Sloppy, TT, Gearhead, Enduring/Brutal Strength (Pig)

    Survivor: Kindred, Bond/Empathy, BK, Streetwise (Feng Min)

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    My Ghostface build:

    Nemesis, Furtive Chase, Dead Man's Switch (because the alternative is Remember Me ugh...), and Rancor.

    I've SURPRISINGLY found decent success with it but I really wish Dead Man's Switch worked differently...

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    We can't include urban in meta I'm sorry lol

    For survivor it would be Blood Pact, Autodidact, Aftercare and We're Gonna Live Forever

  • Kaitlin814
    Kaitlin814 Member Posts: 76

    Resilience (although I'd feel naked not running iron will with that, but it's an insanely good perk for experienced survivors), Kindred, Aftercare, Detective's Hunch

  • EpicBigBrain
    EpicBigBrain Member Posts: 177

    For survivor my build would most likely be:



    Quick and quiet

    We'll make it

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667


    Probably Aftercare, Distortion, Premonition and Dance With Me.


    Honestly if all of those perks were removed I'd probably quit Killer, but if I had to play Killer without those perks:

    Dying Light, Discordance, Overcharge and Thrilling Tremors.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    head on is meta? 😔

    my build would be: blood pact, autodidact, solidarity, second wind

  • TwistedJoke65
    TwistedJoke65 Member Posts: 316

    Damn no nurses? Messing up my Pyramid head build.

    Normally for pyramid head I would do Deathbound, Nurses, I'm all ears, and Discordance but I think I could replace Nurses with Whispers.

    On Ghostface I run Thrilling tremors, furtive chase, Whispers and Thrill of the hunt.

    And lastly for Freddy I just run his adept. Fire up, blood warden, and remember me. Occasionally I run Noed to help with the end game but I usually never need it lol

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621
  • FelineCephalopod
    FelineCephalopod Member Posts: 24

    I already run Pharmacy and We're Gonna Live Forever. Probably Soul Guard? I think that might be a bit too meta though. Any Means Necessary, Poised, Red Herring, Alert, and Ace in the Hole are other choices.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    For PH who I am currently messing around with something like Zanshin Tactics I’m All Ears Trail Of Torment and Surveillance let’s me zone them easier see my shots through walls and the last combo makes me go undetectable but will no longer turn the gen yellow cuz of surv

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    As survivor it wouldn't really change: I'd keep the Head On, Quick and Quiet, and Detective's Hunch.

    For the final perk, I'd probably chuck on Dance With Me to keep the synergy going.

    As killer, it'd be a lot worse since I love STBFL and PGTW. I'd have Surge and Surveillance together to form the main base of my build, map control, and probably throw on Thrilling Tremours too. For the final perk, maybe Enduring since I love how it helps in a chase.

    Actual builds:

    Head On, Q&Q, Dance With Me, Detective's Hunch

    Surve, Surveillance, Thrilling Tremours, Enduring