Console Wars

No, not the console wars you're thinking of... well sort of. Here's the thing, I had this idea for a dbd tournament when crossplay is introduced. Xbox vs Playstation. I'm not sure how the brackets would work but was thinking maybe in the style of NFL playoffs where you play against your conference for the opportunity to represent your conference against the opposing conference. Like 2 small tournaments for each console with the winners of each console tournament playing each other in the dbd "super bowl" The winners will be decided based on points not kills. Like other dbd tournaments I've seen each team will have a survivor team and a killer. 2 games will be played. The survivors points will be added up and their opponents killer score will be subtracted, same for game 2 with sides switched and the winner is the team with most total points. I feel it's better to do it this was as it promotes healthier and more exciting gameplay. Also, if anyone has better ideas it doesnt have to be like that. It's just an idea I thought I might like to watch so I figured I'd get community opinions on it. Obviously we don't know when crossplay will be introduced or how it will even work but if this is a possibility would anyone be up for it?
