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'Trails of Torment' Perk needs to change.

Member Posts: 185

'Trails of Torment' is a new killer perk belonging to the Executioner. After kicking a Generator, you become Undetectable for 16 seconds. During this time, the Generator's Aura is revealed in yellow to all Survivors. Trail of Torment can only be triggered once every 80/70/60 seconds.

I believe a lot of players will agree when I say that removing the Generator's Aura reveal would be all that is required to do, or at the very least is the minimal buff that can be applied to this perk. There is no reason to tell the Survivors where your proximity location is before being Undetectable, it removes the surprise effect. Dark Devotion, Insidious, Tinkerer, and Ghostface's Night Shroud do not announce themselves upon activation, so why does Trail of Torment?

Although the effect is short-lived and the cooldown rather large for my taste, I can agree with that. I would prefer the effect be longer, however that would elevate the use of Trail of Torment over Dark Devotion, which I feel is the strongest perk for going Undetectable at this current time. Thrilling Tremors also carries the long cooldown, and again though I would appreciate the cooldown to be reduced I can agree with why it is set for that long.

Do you agree or disagree with my proposed buff for Trail of Torment? Support your thoughts and if you have other changes in mind, feel free to share your thoughts and share this idea in case the developers were to notice.

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  • Member Posts: 1,623

    At first I agreed with you, but seeing the perk in action. If the generator aura is not highlighted you have no way to know if he's using said perk or perhaps he's using a hack to hide his TR or if simply it's a bug.

    I would agree that the Undetectable status effect should last for 20 seconds or so. At the moment it works perfectly on indoor maps. Since they are small you can travel a long distance in 15 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 570

    I like it as it is, probably a unpopular opinion. IMO, I think some perks in this game get stronger over time with the inclusion of new chapters a new perks being added to survivors and killers. What doesn’t seem important and strong now could be strong later. Right now, this perk is only a real hard counter to one survivor perk (Better Together), but what if this is just the start of more perks that make gens glow yellow for survivors. Some guy got mad at me for saying this b4 but I’ve seen plenty of perks that came out but didn’t find a strong synergy or a good use until a later perk was added.

    Dont get mad at me <_<

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    You can see killer's perk in score screen. So if you don't see the perk there, it means cheating or bug.

  • Member Posts: 40

    I agree with this I made a version for the perk myself that would make it so much better

    After kicking a generator, you become undetectable for 45 seconds. During this time your movement speed is increased by 3/4/5%.

    I removed the generator aura reveal and removed the cooldown this would make this perk amazing

  • Member Posts: 11

    I agree with you. For those of you who argue that players will think the person is hacking without a notification, it's no different than getting used to any other perk. Besides, they can simply learn at the end of the game which perk does what. It's surprising the first time, but afterwards you can learn to expect it the rest of the match.

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited July 2020

    I think the aura should be removed. Allows some good jump scares and this is a horror game. GF's ptb proved announcing to the survivors that the killer is in stealth completely defeats the purpose of going stealth.

  • Member Posts: 1,209
  • Member Posts: 1,310

    That's WAYYY too much. You do understand how potent movement speed is in dbd right? Even 3% is enough to completely ruin balance.

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