How to counter Pyramid Head?

Babatom Member Posts: 23

Just interested if people have figured out a way to play against this guy yet? Like, it feels to me that every chase just ends in a lose/lose situation. You throw the pallet, you get hit by his ranged attack; don't throw it, he raises his sword and gets the M1. He's like huntress but if her hatchets were twice the size and passed through walls.

It's like a bunch of ideas were brought forward, one for a killer that makes all pallets and vaults unsafe to aid chases, one that doesn't need hooks to aid timekeeping (and counter many perks), one that can hit multiple people at once to deter co-op, and one with a free mori for late game pressure - and the lead designer said 'Yes, all of that.'

Am I missing some weakness he has that others have learned to play against?


  • Popcornchicken11
    Popcornchicken11 Member Posts: 110

    I treat pyrimid head like I do doc, if he's good timing the shock throw the pallet early. Same applies to pyrimid head.

  • Zoophage
    Zoophage Member Posts: 122

    I'm having the same problem here to be honest. When I know I'm playing against a PH I tend to play a little more "immersed" and hope I can prevent the ol' Catch-22 by avoiding the confrontation all together. Spine Chill has become a staple of my builds now, which also helps against ALL stealth Killers as well, so that's nice. When I'm outed or forced to play aggressively I just try to maintain some semblance of distance between him and I. I've noticed that very few PH players will cage you anymore so running through his "fence" isn't that big of a deal (add-ons can change this), but I still try and avoid it when possible. And yeah, throw the pallet early and try and fake your window vaults, if possible. I'd love to hear some other advice.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Pyramid is basically looped like a combination of Huntress and Spirit. You try and break line of sight waiting for a moment to run to the next tile. That's what costs him if he shoots a shockwave to the pallet/window while you're already on your way to the next loop (similar to Spirit).

    Another option is dropping the pallet with no line of sight forcing him to break it and close the distance which again costs him too much time against gen aggressive survivors (similar to Huntress).

    Obviously he can fake his power which ALMOST guarantees that he will hit you eventually BUT it usually takes way too long to make it worth it if you just keep holding forward especially if you extend that process with any exhaustion perk.

    Using his power for zoning takes too much time if people pump out those gens because:

    - he has no map pressure / no mobility to make up for the time wasted faking the power to secure the m1 hit.

    - he has no stealth to get quick and easy hits/downs to make up for the lost time faking his power.

    - he has no built-in gen defense to make up for... Well.. the time wasted faking his power.


    All of this only applies if survivors aggressively pump out gens, of course. If everyone runs around like headless chickens then you -as an individual survivor- are pretty much dead as his ability almost guarantees the hit/down if the killer player knows what he is doing and switches between faking and actually using the ranged attack.