Survivors are carried by terrible game design and pretend they're not. Here's proof.



  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    Doesn't change the fact that survivors who simply split up, don't play overly altruistic or risky, will beat you on many killers that dont have the neccesary mappressure. Well not actually beat since they'll just get brutal at most themselves but you get my point.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,262

    When gens seem to fly too fast, focusing on a three gen works. Letting some gens go in favor of protecting an area has won me the game a few times now. Though I don't think you're interested in strategy tips, because you've been given some good ones here.

    I know the feeling, though I've not quite had your situation because as others pointed out, it seemed easy to turn in your favor. I have had groups though who basically body block me playing ring-around-the-rosie. I've had that OoO who is waving at me to come get her while her buddies all brought brand new parts. Most recently, I had two annoying default Jane friends with BT, DS, Head On, & flashlights. I couldn't find the other two, I just kept running into these jerks. It felt really good when the other two randos got the door open, left them, one Jane's head popped, and I closed the hatch on the other. If I had quit though because initially I felt like I was losing, that end game wouldn't have happened.

    So I agree. A bully SWF squad, especially a true 4 man, often results in a loss. Survivors have the power role when they have open communication. With solos it's like, 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1. You really feel that 4 v 1 with a SWF. I'd like all of the survivors to be truly scared of the killer, because the killer should be the power role. However, it would be bad for the game to remove SWF, so BHVR never will. I wouldn't want them to either, as I play with my husband. Yet, if they buff the killer in favor of SWF (which they say is less of than solo players), then solo players suffer, and people would quit. I don't think there's a lot they can do. So it's on killers to sweat, use good perks, and strategize. Then still lose sometimes.

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    It all hinges on that "if" on average you don't get that, having a bad game here and there doesn't mean it's in balanced

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    Well, first off you never mentioned the toolboxes, so thats fair that the gen went faster, but survivors using toolboxes to rush the first gen is actually good for you, since its a waste, and means they dont have more useful tools like medkits and keys. Also, leader doesn't do anything to help with gens.

    As for what you say is our main flaw in our arguments is not that you should slug the guy and chase the second, but instead just wait a mere 5 seconds before hooking the rescuer, so that way the guy they rescued no longer has the endurance effect and can't safely unhook right away. Doesn't require slugging, and forces a 3rd survivor to help

    And the final part, giving up because 2 gens where done, whilst you had 2 survivors injured and 2 hooks on them is stupid. Gens will be done, and 2 gens is not the match over. Of course if you're not having fun then dont play, but this is more a you problem than a systemic issue with the game

    And a point i never said, survivors want to survive, using the best tools at there disposal isn't something to blame them for, or get angry

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    This post was never about the game being winnable. It was about how the survivors gained so much pressure and leverage doing things that was practically uncounterable. 2 gens were done in the time span of 2 hooks that happened almost back to back. 2 out of the 5 survivor objectives were done in the time span it took me to get 2 out of the 12 hooks necessary to win the match.

    And I would've been further punished if I pursued those unhooked survivors and gained nothing of major value off of it. I could've won, yes. But it would've been a ######### match regardless of what happened and left me equally annoyed. Also they had maybe 1 toolbox, and I meant prove thyself, not leader. I get those mixed up sometimes.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    its not tunneling if they bomb the hook though. Thats simply survivor error that they get away with. They know the outcome of the scenario before it even happens. Yet BT and DS still proc after the survivors intentionally progress the game. IMO DS and BT should turn off after making a save or doing a gen/ healing someone. But the devs dont know good balance choices and their game will forever trigger their loyal playerbase just to get the middle finger and say gg ez

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658
    edited July 2020

    Exactly this! One match I might not catch anyone, and the next is a slaughterhouse. The sheer randomness of the game is why I like it. Yesterday there was no hook by the exit gate so a survivor was able to wiggle free, and escape. As survivor I got a skill check at 99.9% and it exploded. This cost us the entire match. I was so irked. Hahaha

  • Frareid88
    Frareid88 Member Posts: 276

    Exactly. The amount of variables in this game is why I keep playing. You never know what's going to happen

  • thottiepippen
    thottiepippen Member Posts: 98

    You play your own way and throw a fit when it doesnt work. Do you really think this forum is going to be a soft place to land? Grow up.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    I tried a build to actually enjoy the game. If you're telling me I deserve to lose for not playing a maximum try hard build just to compete with overtuned survivor mechanics then this game should probably die out.