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Pyramid Head Cage Aura

Why should Pyramid Head be nerfed? Now he cant see the cage aura? Not that its a problem for me since I still use the hooks. But come on now... Stop giving the crying survivors all they want. When a killer hooks someone they are able to see the aura of the hooked survivor. So why should caging be any different? If the survivors were smart as when I play survivor split off when u see the Head about to hook someone. One stay close to the killer just in case he decides to hook. And another go position himself across the map just in case the cage spawns. Stop crying about every single detail in the game. If you want the game to be exactly how you want it then go to school, learn coding, make your own damn game. Simple as that


  • Supafreeze
    Supafreeze Member Posts: 11

    Well thats why they also added that if the killer camps close to the cage for 1 second the cage teleports away. There are many ways to counter a killer camping. What will the do next? Remove the aura of the survivor once he is hooked? I play as both survivor and killer. And one thing I have noticed is that 95% of the time its always a survivor crying because of something in the game. Play the game. Learn how do hide and dodge. Dont get caught. Is the killers job to make sure he gets the kill. If he chooses to sit there camping 1 kill while the smart thing for the survivors to do is go clear gens then so be it. He will be the one losing out on bloodpoints. There has been so much crying from survivors since the game came out. I literally got a message from a player saying that I should not patrol the area after hooking even if I can clearly see other survivors in the perimeter trying ro unhook. That once I hook I should be walking away as far as I can. Really? So you can get unhooked? Nah buddy. Dont get caught and we would not have this problem.

  • trick
    trick Member Posts: 159

    hahhaha no more toxic camp and tunnel on cage for u pal

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    I had a killer team with the last survivor besides myself. I was only playing swf with one other person and that person was dead. The random kept trying to bring the killer to me, as I was trying to repair the last gen and get out. Well he finally ended up getting me. Not downing my other teammate, not even hitting them. Once they got close enough to me they shook their head at the other survivor so they backed away. He stuck me in a cage and just stood here. Shaking his head no the entire time I was in there.

    I agree with this cage moving bs. Because of killers like that. And lot of people wonder why survivors use DS BT Adren ECT. It's because killers have made it so that they have to.

    You can be one of the best runners, but your luck WILL run out if your team isnt doing anything.

  • Supafreeze
    Supafreeze Member Posts: 11

    Guess you didnt read. I dont use the cage anyways. I use bbqc so the cage doesnt help me. I like to hook my survivors. The change that they made doesnt bother me one bit. My whole point is why every time survivors cry the devs come and cuddle them and breast feed them like little babies. You dont see many killer mains on here complaining and the game being changed to favor the killer. Grow some testis and learn how to be a better survivor. I have played many games as a survivor and dealt with camper killers and still was able to work together with my team to get a safe unhook and all of us escape. If the devs want to change up anything it should be the things that matter. Like the wait times on finding a game and the dedicated servers that they should have been already brought out. Maybe even a way for survivors to be able to chat in game so communication can be made without sending randoms invites to party.

  • Supafreeze
    Supafreeze Member Posts: 11

    Well the cage moving I totally agree with. They could have implied that and not taken the aura away. What they basically did is made it ao people who play as the head wont put you in a cage anymore. They will just hook you and camp you that way. Rendering his cage useless. Might as well rework the whole killer like they did freddy at this point

  • Supafreeze
    Supafreeze Member Posts: 11

    Many ways they could have fixed that. For 1. Make the cage be affected my survivor perks. 2 like I said imply a way to let the survivors game chat and have communication so they can work better at being a team. 3 like i mentioned. Players split up, the cage always spawns the furthest distance away from the killer so if the survivors split there is 3 out of 4 chances that one player will be close to the cage spawn before the killer has the chance to get there.

    I played a game today where I decided to test out the cage and no aura. And still knew exactly where to go to find the cage on time. For a player who is a veteran at the game and knows the map layouts can tell which point of the map is the furthest from their location.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    I don't really see this as a nerf in all honesty. Why would anyone go straight to the cage anyway?

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,235

    A its definite a nerf, you wouldnt call the terror radius and red stain being removed without any other changes in that patch a "nerf". ( i knpw its a bad example, but its stronf enpugh to get the ooint across)

    B: Survivors have shown the tendency to instantly uncage, thus ph's smartened up and went there asap. It's utterly amazing and surprising that the survivor behaviour that lead to hook camping also made cage camping a good strategy.

    I hope the devs wont go the deadgarden route and make teleporting, untracked hooks normal...

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Again i still don't personally see it as a nerf. Cages are pointless most of the time anyway. I'd rather keep torment on them; hook and kill with the mini mori.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    He isn’t nerfed at all pretty much, his camp/tunnel potential was unmatched. If you actually play Pyramid Head you will feel absolutely NO change to him if you don’t camp or tunnel. This was just a QoL nerf, nothing more

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241
  • CyanideBlaze
    CyanideBlaze Member Posts: 143

    Was that happening so frequently, though?

    Idk, I play PH and I can't say I even get near the cages. The whole point of em is to ship a survivor off n focus on your current area instead.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    It happened frequently enough that since launch I had never played a PH that didnt do this.

  • Supafreeze
    Supafreeze Member Posts: 11

    Another non reader. Let me copy and paste the last message I wrote to the last non reader.

    Guess you didnt read. I dont use the cage anyways. I use bbqc so the cage doesnt help me. I like to hook my survivors. The change that they made doesnt bother me one bit. My whole point is why every time survivors cry the devs come and cuddle them and breast feed them like little babies. You dont see many killer mains on here complaining and the game being changed to favor the killer. Grow some testis and learn how to be a better survivor. I have played many games as a survivor and dealt with camper killers and still was able to work together with my team to get a safe unhook and all of us escape. If the devs want to change up anything it should be the things that matter. Like the wait times on finding a game and the dedicated servers that they should have been already brought out. Maybe even a way for survivors to be able to chat in game so communication can be made without sending randoms invites to party.

  • Supafreeze
    Supafreeze Member Posts: 11

    Exactly. It takes time for the killer to get across the map. If the survivors were smart someone should have been across the map already to unhook the caged survivor. I have used my own strategy many times with my friends. But no since most baby survivors want to hang around the killer when he downs someone thinking they will rescue their baby friends. They start crying. Need that breast to suckle on. And the devs come to their rescue

  • Supafreeze
    Supafreeze Member Posts: 11

    Then you didnt play me. Because I for sure would have just hooked you.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    Tbh i only cage if:

    1. I've downed someone and there's a team mate in the area, i will cage and chase the other. That's 2 people off gens for the time being. Seeing as i run infectious fright and deathbound, i'll utilise it.
    2. For their second hook phase if they have torment on, so they can't suicide instantly.
    3. Mini mori if and only near or during endgame to catch up if need be.

    At least that's how i play him, so it won't hurt my games.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    Lol i see you're new. Look at the forums, the MAJORITY of the crybaby ######### posts are from KILLER MAINS not survivors. So no bud, survivors aren't the major cry babies. And yes they are right to penalize crappy play like tunning and camping that makes the game not enjoyable for the other side. I've had many friends quit the game due to the camping and tunneling. I play 65% killer and I'm in the red ranks, never camo or tunnel still get 3 and 4ks. Dont need to be a douche killer. And made nany survivor friends even if i kill them and gotten respect because i don't play crappy. Wanna be toxic? Devs will punish it. Like they did with instaheals.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    If you really think its good to be able to tunnel without any risk of DS, BT, Exhaustion etc, then you clearly have no braincells