Proximity Comms idea

Im not sure if this has been discussed in the past, but it probably has. I think it has alot of potential though and needs to be discussed .
What would you think if comms were proximity based? This could be something where when talking near the killer the killer could get a notification. It would be a way to actually balance comms and talking too much could be detrimental. There could be comm based perks, but that wouldn't be essential. Still though, think of all of the possibilities...further range, closer proximity for the killer to get notification, etc.. Use your imagination. Like i said though the perk idea wouldn't be essential. Most of the blow back I've heard about why this would be a bad idea is based around it being an easy way to bully the killer or other players. The simple solution to that would be an option to turn it off as survivor and play as is now if those problems occur when playing survivor. When playing as killer there could be just a simple notification when people are on comms and within a pre-determined proximity to you. This is something I think the devs would be able to work out to find the best balance. Then there would be no need to worry about bullying killer, as killer can already be bullied in the same ways using notifications and other interactions that are already in the game and the comms idea would add no new interactions outside of the notifications and how they are already in game.
Another knock against this idea is that "people would just play comms the same way they do now." which is a possibility I don't deny. If the game had no way of muting the mic when one was connected to the game system it would also solve this. So, if you are playing DBD and have your mic on, you would be subject to this, even if you were also using a third party comm software. People would essentially have to have a comm system not connected to the console or PC to get away with it and that would deter that type of thing. If using a 3rd party comm system, yes, they would have unlimited range, but the killer would still get a notification when near someone speaking into their mic. That wouldn't change, and there is a way to do that. It would be a little more powerful for survivors using current comms then the idea I'm posing, but that is already available and having a notification for killer WOULD add more balance anyway you look at it.
I just ask you to think about this, and please behaviour, do the same. The idea may need some tweaks, Im not suggesting it is perfect. There is a ton of potential for growth with this though... including: ideas for perks, ideas for killer types (adds a whole new dimension on how new killers could be designed and I have some great ideas here for licensed killers using this), more balance, more fun.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I am sorry if it is long winded, but it is something I have been thinking about for a while and I wanted to hear what others thought about it. Please, I ask you, when playing as either killer or survivor, think of the possibilities of something like this and how it could add to the enjoyment of your game play while also thinking of possible applicable areas it could be used and post them to this thread. I would appreciate hearing all of your ideas. If you have problems that would occur with this, also post them. There are no bad discussions on this.
I don’t even have to read your post to shut you down discord and party chats exist you wouldn’t be able to hear these unless you are in them yourself
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I don't think you should have to use a microphone to access certain parts of the game, like your idea of the chat perks.
Survivors could also troll/bad survivors will be even worse to have on your team, due to the fact that they can create notifications on demand, on the spot.
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I like your idea! I think I can hear all the killer mains sobbing to the idea of this out there lol and I think it'd make the game HEAVY, but I like it. :)
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Oh also, I'm not sure if the survivor mains on this game are ready for proximity comms lol
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its a funny idea, but not a good one.
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Wouldn't work. You simply can't force the player to give the game access to their mic, making it trivial to bypass the entire thing and talk like now.
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@nuclearburrito, there are all kinds of applications that do exactly that
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big_fellas, isnt there already trolling?
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I love this about Rust. It would be fun for Dbd .
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So like a walkie talkie...
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@RaSavage42, yes. That is a cool item idea. Maybe for extended range or some kind of protection against notifying killer you are talking with someone in proximity.
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its a funny video, but this isnt how i thought it would be. I dont think the killer and survivor would be able to speak to each other. The killer could only get a notification if players were speaking to one another in too close of proximity to them, thats it. Thank you for the video though.
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@big_fellas , trolling would lead to the players own detriment by giving out their location. There are interactions in the game already that people use to troll also. If they are playing a killer who is having a hard time finding survivors for example players will fast vault continually and open and close lockers continually to troll the killer. So, trolling is something already in the game and all they could do is continually give notifications like they already can so I dont think thats a good reason to be against it.
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all of those things are already in the game. Like I said if it is a problem having perks, then perks are not needed for this idea to work. Thank you for your feedback.
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If you dont want to read it that's fine with me. I just dont understand why you would comment on something that you haven't read. There is an area for memes if you dont like reading. Thanks though.
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I do see the problem with this yes. That is a good point. Players can sandbag currently though and it is fine mostly. I rarely ever get in games where teammates run around dropping every pallet, blowing up gens and blocking me in rooms. It has happened, so once again this is something already in game and I dont see it being any worse than what people already can do. Maybe at first there will be trolls, but I think it will fade away mostly just like sandbagging did. There is also options to report players in the game for extra offenders.
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There is fear around this topic, I understand. It is why I wanted to discuss it with yall. Just understand there is always fear whenever things change in games we love and sometimes it is unwarranted. Im not saying this idea is perfect, but think there is something to it. I appreciate all who have commented.
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I would also like to point out to the ones saying toxicity would be a problem that i assume you are also in favor of fixing other toxicity problems? Like messaging after matches, all survivors quickly changing into the same skin at the last second when its too late for killer to do something about it, comms in general, the paper shooting out of flashlights with a noise to troll the killer. Survivors think all these things are fun, but they can all be used to be toxic and bully the killer, yet i do not see the survivor advocates for those things not being in the game. When somone brings up ideas for balancing against an overpowered survivor ability that has been in the game since the beginning and people say its toxic to take out somehow i dont get it? Especially with all the things that can be used in a toxic manner in the game already and people are fine with those.