Caging wasn't useful, even before this change.

Sorry. I just kinda wanted to say it. Sure it counters some perks that can be mildly annoying at times, but overall the cages aren't that strong. The survivor can be saved usually pretty instantly and you then have no pressure on the map. It also doesn't activate any of your hook perks like BBQ and Pop.
You should really just be saving torment for the Mori at third hook. That also counters DS, because you don't have to pick them up!
Quite frankly this killer is really underwhelming. With a tiny ranged attack that can be "slightly" expanded with add ons. As survivor, I've avoided so many of his ranged attacks already it's not even funny. I wouldn't say he's useless, but definitely not very strong.
Not to even start on how bad his Very Rare add ons are...
Not to mention it's within the survivors' control for the most part whether they get tormented or not.
I'm not even saying that it was fun to go against PH that camps and tunnels, but it just baffles me that this is the hot topic right now when there's so much worse things.
Now some people might argue little things like, the distance between him and the cage/how fast he can get to it, or certain things like that, but I think most people can agree that Pyramid Head can't do a lot to force the survivors to step in his trails, and any amount of time that he's spending trying to get you to step on it is time that he could just be downing you instead.
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I agree. PH is just not the main topic the community should be focused on right now.
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i dont think the hidden aura was a good change.
the other one was reasonable, but the hidden aura was a little overkill imo.
and actually, caging was and still is quite good, as it allows you to completely ignore DS and just rehook them immediately.
get them tormented and you can tunnel them down without any penality to it, cage them and they are on deathhook already, without reactivating their DS uppon being rescued.
it also saves time, when you down someone next to someone else, just cage them and continue the chase.
the cage was not ment to replace the hook, but its a mechanic you are supposed to play around with, denying certain tactics (DS, flashlights, bodyblocking, sabo ,,,) while simultaneously saving you time.
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But now you give up location of 1 survivor and if you include the savior, you give up information about 2 survivors.