Ph "NeRf"

If you're mad at the cage crap just remember you can still play scummy and tunnel them after you find them since thats mainly what they do😂😂
Tunnelling isn't scummy's a tactic.
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lol now we are in the taunting phase .. dont worry guys you will still have plenty to complain about when the killers adjust.
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It's a scummy tactic.
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Speaking of nerfs, bring endgame pig back !!! And maybe old ruin?
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It's the killer killing people...
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Especially with a mori it's the best tactic. Super high IQ and skill involved.
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I mean, it's a nerf. Not a "nerf." It's not like it was just a bugfix or anything.
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This nerf just means your going to be saving the cage for when you want to dodge ds, a flashlight save or to quickly hook someone so you can go back to hunting.
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Nah it's just funny how people are upset about this. Tunneling isn't fair to anyone nor the killer and not to mention if you tunnel as a killer who negates loops and DS youre trash unless you have been gen rushed or a swf or some toxicity. If you are good at killing you don't need to tunnel just because ds wont work and if you jump on every opportunity to tunnel you obviously are an insecure killer who has no faith in your abilities
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Yes bring ruin back new one is trash hell im a survivor main for the most part but I hate ruin nerf and idk about endgame pig I dont think I played during that time
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If you remember old ruin, i think you know endgame pig. She used to be able to attach traps on survivors at any point in the game, and they couldn't leave until they removed it. However, she got nerfed so that if a trap is attached on a survivor and all the gens are finished already, they can still escape. I know you're a survivor main so don't be mad but most of the things BHVR does is to help create a more relaxing experience for survivors. It's the reason why rank 1 is filled with a whole ton of wussies nowadays that can't handle pressure and difficulty in the game. If it gives them a hard time, then it gets nerfed.
Ruin, Pig, Nurse.....what's next?
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And how often do killers use moris? I haven't faced an ebony since prior to the event (Have faced an ivory)
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I had 3 today. Two of the killers used them on death hook, one would tunnel off first hook. Red rank on ps4, run into them daily, always appreciate the killers that use them on death hook.
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That may be something to do with PS4, as I play Xbox. Unless I forgot to fill something in I haven't experienced an ebony in over 50 games.
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Well when i say survivor main its my gameplay of choice and majority and a point I played them evenly but swf and stress ruined it btw im red rank at both so I do understand lots of what you say so I won't be mad but I mained.killer to rank 12 and hated swf but I ONLY played ghost face so going against people without being able to use my power was hard and I gave up but I didnt know that other killers would be better for more aware survs so I went to the surv side hence why I never really knew about put and why I didnt know killer was the hardest game mode but yeah I do agree a lot of nerfs are for survivor but there have been MAJOR nerfs to to loop and maps which is a game changer Tbh I dont notice really and infinites were never my style blood lust made it to where infinites just didn't seem so strong but then again I sucked when I tried them I only really got good after like 500 hours because I finally achieved that level where you finally understand loops and maps you know? Like so many red ranks play for such little time and they suck but once you hit 500 hours the skill goes up sorry I digress but yeah I look at things objectively so I wont get mad and I agree so many wussies are on this game that need more time to play instead of thinking they're good for living due to hiding or 4k due to mori but I do agree endgame pig makes sense but with egc it would break the game basically and a new meta of pig with noed anf blood warden would be a thing egc timer is 2 minutes pig trap is 1 and blood warden is also 1 so if you blood warden then trap after you guarantee kills and it would be game breaking for the two to exist together
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Death hook? I dont remember ever going against that like holy crap man you are lucky
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I versed some ebony today already. Everyone is using cakes. But some killers are scumbags and use moris during the event. And they use it in the most scummy way possible
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Its scummy because it is unfair and you get a guaranteed kill with no skill involved while ruining someone elses time. That is just downright s cummy and a tactic only bad killers need to do
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Still don't get how a killer killing someone efficiently is considered scummy.
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See there you go if you look at it in that light you will never understand anything and its close minded and its only efficient if you have potato survivors a killer unless really good cannot 4k with tunneling consistently also its efficient to gen rush yet that is annoying and needs to be dealt with as well but hey it seems that people who are close minded only care for their opinion
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Mate, I've played Rank 1 at both sides. Killing someone as quick as possible is the most efficient way to play. Dealing with three people is much easier than four. It's basic logic.
Why would I avoid killing a guy who's one hit, and go for a guy who's yet to be hooked and is healthy instead?
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How is this one sentence? I bet even you couldn't make sense of this wall of text if you read it.
Use punctuation man...
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Just like rushing gens or looping. There's no skill required to press M1 or run arround a pallet.
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Sad thing is, a lot of PH players didn't tunnel or camp, and used the cage as info on what route the survs might be coming from, and what gens to go after too. They should've at least compensated him in some way, like make him turn quicker while in torment, make his hook perks like pop or BBQ work w the cage, or get rid of the yellow gen w his perk, but instead they did nothing, and that's why I think a lot of people are upset.
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I can't imagine going that long without facing an ebony. Maybe for some reason killers don't get as many in xbox? 😂
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I noticed it during this rift more killers start doing death hook with ebonies. During beginning of the event they were all tunnel off first hook but yesterday seemed like maybe they are going back to doing death hook...atleast I hope they are. 😂
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I'm honestly not sure, I'm just glad I don't.
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Sorry for the swarm, but I have a spot in both sides here. Yes, tunneling is required if you’re in a pinch. However, the term “tunneling” is usually tied to the act of focusing down one Survivor and ignoring everything else to get rid of them before they recover, thus disallowing them to play the game normally, which isn’t fun. I see what you’re talking about, 1v3 is easier to take on, but the fourth one is still a person. I’d feel bad about taking them out early without giving them a chance to breathe.
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Takes some skill to keep winning chases. You could argue it is the survivor's lack of skill in chases that allows for them to be tunneled out of the game.
The counter to tunneling is effective looping. Also the team should take hits and divert the killers attention to allow the tunneled one to get away.
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I play on Xbox and I get at least 2-3 moris a day in my games (sometimes more). Maybe it's because I main shirtless David, though... 🤔 lol
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Do you tend to bring items by any chance?
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1v3 is not fair of 5 gens are left 1v3 is only fair at 2 or 3 if they are good survs
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You can get tunneled all game and still lose. Regardless of how good you are. If you're team does not help which they usually don't you are screwed, have you not seen any of the streamers die? Like I've been tunneled all game by an oni and I used DS and everything. The ONLY reason I escaped was adrenaline and he bloodlust 3 on me meaning he still hit me and I would have died, but he was dumb enough to break a pallet by the gate. I also went up against a pig on the game and was tunneled until no pallets just about and completely deadzoned, my team took aggro on my death hook and she still went after my scratch marks goving up free kills. I made ONE mistake when I kept resulting the pallet in the back of security room, she wouldnt break it so if bait her to coming to swing anf vault over, but I went an inch to far and was hit while I was over the pallet. Forgot I had adrenaline got smacked back down and even if I didn't forget there was no pallets close enough or enough time to get to a door or for it to be open. I played as optimal as RNG and good or bad loops would allow and to the best of my ability and I STILL died. Also you can't escape because any smart killer knows how to follow scratch marks
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It doesn’t seem to have impacted pyramid heads lethality since the change from playing against him.
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Yeah that's why it is funny, like yeah it was a good way to find someone, but it still is I just went up against a pyramid head the day the fix happened and he sent a jeff to the cage and I saved jeff and lo and behold pyramid head was there and only left to tunnel the girl off hook. Like come on look cross map and go there and you can still tunnel or go after someone new or even better save the cages for endgame when you can use them better
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Sure it is going to happen. But sounds like you have the skill to escape and win more than you lose.
Also, I agree, often teammates don't step up and take hits for the guy being tunneled. Luckily I swf with my wife and daughter, so we constantly take hits for each other to break bloodlust or save someone from death hook.
I'm not a tunneling fan either. But sometimes it is the right tactic. Not often. But sometimes it will swing a match back to the killer. If that is a killer's main tactic in games, then I would agree they could get better.
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Honestly im kinda jealous id love to swf my gf but crossplay isn't here yet and she hasn't played the game recently so ill have to teach her but no im not against tunneling and camping itself but the timing and context like if a killer tunnels and camps as a gameplay tactic they suck and some points you cant find anyone else or their teammates just hide after unhook so of course go for who you have to but for me when you camp at 4 gens left you're garbage and people can say all they want about it being entitlement or survivor rulebook but when you have no pressure against you as a killer why play in a way that is just unfun and unfair I only tunnel and camp if 3 gens are popped in 2 or 3 minutes maybe even 2 because I can sense how the game will end that or when I play nurse or huntress because I want to get better but also want to at least black pip and even then I rarely do it unless pressured into it
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I certainly agree it is an unfun tactic when used so early in the game. I find this most often with newer killers, as older killer understand the value of split pressure.
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This is what happens in all walks of life when everyone gets a ribbon for simply showing up. For every “good” rank 1 surv there are 20+ that can’t last in a chase for more than 10 seconds. The devs coddled players with the rank reset change/swf. Now if any boosted survivors have any adversity they look around for their ribbon that bhvr will assuredly give them. I’m not a good survivor as I’ve played killer about 95%, but I decided I wanted to get rank 1 once on surv. (Solo mind you) I did achieve rank 1, but in terms of skill I’d probably say I belong in green ranks. A lot of the inflated ranks would go away by simply reverting the rank reset. Why would we want that? Well if true red rank killers are facing true red rank survivors, the stats the devs use can be more “normalized”. We would get less surv complaints about good killers because they wouldn’t be miles above where they should be in rank. Just my opinion