Rank 1, does it matter?

Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

Ok I wanna hear from every rank 1 killer, do you camp and tunnel as a playstyle or did you earn it with working as gard as you can. Me, I could have hit rank 1 but I wanted to practice huntress and do some meme builds so yeah, but what I've noticed is red ranks are so mixed on skill levels you get god survivors or trash ones and what I've learned is camping and tunneling is needed to some degree. Like endgame if you got gen rushed, against toxic survivors or if you really need to ensure kills and points which im guilty of all of the above. But I've tried my best all my hours to never tunnel or camp as a playstyle I hate it as a survivor and I hate it as a killer its a no skill easy win, and frankly I dont respect anyone who does that as a gameplay style. And I just died to a pyramid head to camped and tunneled half the match with only 1 gen done and then tried tunneling the caged person but then went back to hook to tunnel the unhooked person. And then even slugged for the 4k with enough points to pip or black pip at rank 1 now I understand people want to guarantee points but ge literally played like trash the whole game and benefits for it and called us easy. Now before someone says "its a tactic" we all know that but it's so scummy and unfair and unfun and I know that you can play fair and win. So anyways I digress rank 1 killers out there what is your on honest opinion on tunneling and camping as a playstyle and did you earn your rank 1 through that or did you earn it the hard way?


  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I think of it like fired up, the more gens get done the more aggressive I get. If were down to 2 gens and ive only got 2 hooks, idgaf if its my faukt cause i screwed up or if they were gen rushing people are getting camped. Glives are off.

    As faemr as tunneling it depends on what you mean. If you unhook someone in front of me you better have bt or that person is getting slugged and im chasing you. But no i dont tend to tunnel. I will prioritize though and theres a bifmg difference between the 2.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    If I feel like I need to. Someone is gonna die by any means I can kill them. And if that means I need to tunnel/camp, then so be it.

    It is a game by game choice though. Most often Im a "fair' Killer and just want to play the game and will choose to chase healthy Survivors or give chances to someone I see as weak. But as I just want to play the game. If there is no one else to chase then Im sorry but you gonna die. And as "winning" is a big part of playing said games, Im gonna flat out murder someone to win like @Dead_by_Gadfly said when the game is on the line.

    Still will give hatch if I think they earned it though.

    Unless Im role playing that night. Then there are no rules and just murder in according to what Killer Im playing.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    Camping and tunnelling is unfair for one survivor, but it's very fair for the whole team. The killer will generally depip with those tactics, if the survivors are smart. However, i have seen so many survivors decide to play into these killers' hand, resulting in 4k.

    I got to rank 1 the hard way, harder than normal people because i play without add-ons.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    You cant get rank 1 if you camp you lose to many emblem for that when you are red rank you will depip even if you 4k. For killer its harder to get rank 1 you can only count on yourself but you get ######### by the map lets be honest most map favor the survivor even after the map update.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    No I agree the only gameplay ill do is slugging the unhook for pressure but im usually generous enough to let them go because time was wasted picking them up or eating there ds after I hook someone else and then ill chase them unless someone is on a gen

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    See I agree as ive stated in my post and im glad likeminded people agree it gives me hope for this community

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Yeah I tend to play without add-ons or just ones I dont even know how to use and I mean camping and tunneling is fair to a point if you go up against weak survivors that meand you are guaranteed a 4k by tunneling no matter what even if they dont fall for camps and other things and frankly I HATE doing chases and no gens popping I was chased by a legion on lerys for at least 2 gens but only 1 was popped my friend was working on one while the other 2 survs were doing nothing and I got tunneled after he hit my rescuer I grabbed a crown for points and was going to let him down me for ds and got mori which I didnt know he had

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    I can agree somewhat but I can also say that like lets say gas heaven which is a map that has really good survivor sides but when it has no filler pallets its easy to die so I would say rng balances it alot because ive had lots of good maps but no pallets or pallets too far away so I inevitably had short loops and my point in this is that lots of killers are high rank doing this and getting points because survs either suck at hookbombing or don't do gens but I do agree keeping rank 1 doing that is survivors fault but it is still a dumb way to play and yes to me ranks matter as killer because its hard at red ranks

  • SewerSwans
    SewerSwans Member Posts: 147
    edited July 2020

    I feel survivor requires skill beyond AFKing on gens & farming hooks, even if the ranking system would disagree.

    Part of that skill is making good saves, not getting hooked in the middle of my 3 gen for an easy proxy, and knowing when to play cautiously when you're on low hook lives. If you lack these skills, I'm not going to shoulder the burden for you. If I'm playing Overwatch, and the enemy Reinhardt drops his shield at a bad moment, do you think I'm shy about punishing his teammates for his mistake? I'm not. I'll pop his Supports bang in the head if I can. This is the nature of team games, and DbD is a team game for one side.

    If I'm having an easy time I'll sometimes offer mercy, but if you're good enough to compete, I approach the game with a competitive mindset.

  • GonTakuma
    GonTakuma Member Posts: 24

    Thats the same playstyle I like to adapt as killer.

    with 5-4-3 gens I'm happy to leave any survivor on the hook for pickup and leave it be. (unless they try to save them when I'm still nearby/Too fast then its their own fault And this happens a lot and usually doesn't pay off in their favor let me tell you.)

    But when I'm being gen rushed or have not achieved anything and its 1-2 more gens to go, I will camp hooks and tunnel survivors. I wanna make sure I get atleast 1 survivor killed. But noed usually grants me a second kill on the end on a bad game.

    I love it when in the after game chat survivors will come up with "Tunneler/Camper" in the chat, When I simply need to respond with

    "Gen rusher"

    Whats the difference ?

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    there's no difference, contrary to popular belief just shitting out gens is not the survivor's objective, it's to entertain the entity by interacting with the killer, trying to save others etc etc.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438
    edited July 2020

    Just like every game. Rank means nothing in a game that involve around teamwork. Unless you are a killer then your rank does say a lot about you.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    No not at all.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Thats what I was referring to because we all know surv rank is pointless almost like I played with a person who was rank 1 for being a blenders im rank one because I always try to max out my objectives whether I escape or not I try and make my rank dependent on me but how I judge skill and whether you deserve a rank is by chases if you loop right and for how long if you are on shack you should be able to loop it for 1 minute minimum unless a good killer or a insta down

  • caz_
    caz_ Member Posts: 218

    Nope, it doesnt matter anymore!

    either you get very skilled people or just potatoes! rank1 is just a clown fiesta, mixed with everything.

    just 2 days ago i played against a survivor who never looked behind him and throwed all pallets, didnt know how to play at all. and he was rank 1-2.

    i mean you get boosted with the ranks just by doing gens and saving people and here you go easy pip.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Honestly though. But my question was a rhetorical insult to killers because so many still play trashy at high ranks and when youre a killer to rank up is harder than surv and actually takes skill so to play trashy why the hell should you be at that rank but yes totally agree with the whole potato thing

  • caz_
    caz_ Member Posts: 218

    Well its the same with killer. just another example.. played against a demo who chased me all game! aftter the 5 gen chase he hooked me in the basement and facecamped me. at the end chat he said im cheating lol?

    a lot of rank 1 killers arent supposed to be rank1. so many killer who just focus on one person all game and if they cant catch you they disconnect! and just that shows that they're not supposed to be red ranks.

    they play all the time against potato red ranks and soon they play against a decent player they just give up.

    thanks to BHVR for making the Ranking system awful.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    Have not cared about rank since I got the rank 1 achieve on both sides long long time ago. I pretty much stay in red/purple even clowning around trying weird builds and stuff. If I wanna be sweaty Ill play hag, usually pink bunny legion