Favorite 4th anniversary quote?

So, what's your favorite 4th year anniversary quote (talking about the loading screen on dbd)
My favorites are: We actually play the game.
But not the role you play. (Peanits)
const char msg [] = {65,32,119,105,110,110,101,114,32,105,115,32,121,111,117,46}; (Editor's Note: Sometimes Remi has trouble speaking human). (Remi)
I'm still trying to translate it, I haven't found the actual computer language, any clues?
And lastly
Release ManagerWhen all seems lost, boop the snoot for extra chance of survival
Simon, If you're reading this, you're a wise man.
How about you? Let me know down below.
i like the boop the snoot one because i like to play pig, and i also like the one where it says, i think we've done a pretty good, job so far just for the meme.
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WAH! - Not_Queen
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Mathieu: Don't forget to call your mom.
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Remi's quote is in ASCII
It goes.
A winner is you.
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Is this feature or a bug?
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Thanks a lot 😊
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This quote from Joshua is amazing^^