
a slow, subtle transformation of a man from distressed & confused to deranged & animalistic. vittor a humorous wage cuck that doesn't quite have what it takes to overcome his treacherous circumstances, his psyche darkens. vittor is announced as a new survivor, his unique perks are different, & instead on relying on teamwork they're selfish, outting others & exposing auras while sheathing his own in order to throw the killer, a perk that allows him to throw other survivors off of generators, chests, hook sabotages, hatches, pull legs off vaults, & forcing yourself into lockers unapathetically kicking the sorry sag in there, pickpocketing items off other survivors may be implemented, & subtleties of his ongoing maddening will be shown, instead of wimpering when injured he has grunts that turn into small chuckles, & the speed boost from being struck by the killers weapon is followed by a wHOoOO haHH then a faint chortle.