Deathslinger buff idea

So the problem with deathslinger is that when you actually hit someone who is injured and you cant reel them you get nothing for it, just bunch of time wasted added up to him being a 110% killer. I was thinking that a good idea would be that if survivor had a deep wound applied to him by the redeemer and deathslinger hits him again with the redeemer it instantly downs the survivor and you dont need to reel them in to him them.
What do you guys think?
Isn't that too much? I don't see how that's a good idea. I also don't know why ppl thinks he's weak.
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If you do that then reeling in the Survivor at all becomes pointless.
At most I can see it reducing the deep wounds meter, meaning it would down them after they'd broken the chain TWICE with deep wounds, but not the first time.
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play him at red ranks and you will see
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The way to buff him is like your name says, just have him get a built-in NOED since that's the perk that all Deathslingers rely on and always use. This buff will allow him to use the perk slot for a different perk.
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See thats the problem when you literary have huntress who downs someone in 10 seconds by just throwing 2 quick hatchets or doing a close one and then go for a m1. That is why she has 110% ms. But when deathslinger hits someone and he doesnt reel them they dont even get damaged if they are fully healed. You litarary shoot spear through their body and they dont get damaged. Then if u cant reel them while they are full health you have to let them break the chain which results in a super long stun, then you have to reaload and by that time survivor is already half map away. Then if they are injured and you hit them and cant reel them you legit get nothing which is super unfair. I see no reason for deathslinger to be 110% killer when his power doesnt really pose any threat to experienced survivor.
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Prefer just the ability to drag their ass back over the pallet or window lol. He is hard to buff without feeling OP.
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i never used noed on him personaly and i dont think it would matter, people would just do the bones right.
yeah i know it's a joke btw
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Slinger seems kinda hard to buff.
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thats a good idea too
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Like, I can see him needing a buff. I just don't like THIS buff.
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yeah, it happens in many games. Stuff thats hard to balance shouldnt be released.
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deathslinger already controls the entire chase if you can aim precisely.
the only thing he needs is some form of map control or mobility, maybe make it so he can pierce objects and reel himself to them really fast?
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i wrote quite long response to you but its waiting to be approved or smth
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I actually got my adept achievement on red ranks a month ago. I'm not saying he's super strong or anything, but we definetly have weaker killers to look for. He's not in a bad spot.
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dont think thats would help, he doesnt have that much range and then you have to reload anyway
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I was actually thinking that maybe he shouldnt loose movement speed when reloading
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well not all red rank survivors are good, try one of those swf's and you'll see that you will be able to do much less then any other killer
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Try reposting it then.
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i mean its gone, i cant see the response anywhere, it just said its gonna be posted after its approved
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Deathslinger has poo map pressure but he's very oppressive and annoying in 1v1. The changes he needs is 115% MS and longer wind up time to allow more counterplay. And maybe two shots? Because the most annoying thing when playing him is that he is soooo slow. He needs to wander his ass with 110%, shoot, reel in, hit, reload, catch up again with his slow MS, shoot, reel in again and then he gets a down. That's what prevents him from being a good killer. He can get downs easily with not much counterplay but it takes a lot of time. Kinda like the old Legion.