Annoying is not fun...

let me start by saying I took a year away from the game, ( my leave happened right as Ash was released) this is my observation of the game after a year away. One month back into the game ( actually 6 weeks) and I see a horrible trend happening. annoyance seems to be the thing Behavior is aiming for when it comes to new content. Honesty, it never should be no one finds annoying fun.

No matter what role you play, i think we can all agree annoying mechanics, cool-downs, effects and overlays are just not fun. sadly it would appear Behavior has started down a path over the last 18 months of just focusing on how they can add in more annoying things on both sides. focusing on adding in annoying cool-downs on killers powers on new and old killers, and effects like the obnoxious overlays that go along with the effects Deep wounds, Vomit and Torment etc...

I wounder how the killer community will deal with the annoying visual overlays and effects that are sure to come in the future. I mean the survivors was hit hard with the cool-downs and such 2 and a half years ago ( exhaustion change) right up to legion release with the healing speed change. now it seems they adding cool-downs to killers that do not really need them like Billy, they didn't need to change the nurse either she was perfectly fine before. she is laughable now compared to what she used to be and you almost never see nurses any more its so tragic. the state of the game is so sad right now.

I can already feel a much longer break coming on for me soon, so just wanted to share my opinion and view of things before i head on back out the door.