Will there be new music for Cannibal and Hillbilliy in 4.1.0?

Already in 4.1.0 there will be a long-awaited update for Cannibal, and the Hillbilly. After the rework of the Doctor, the devs said that new music will be added for those who will be changed. Will there be a new music on the menu, chase msuic, of the cannibal and the hillybilly?
Mandy said that it won't be mentioned until the day the PTB is released. Time to wait for Tuesday.
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The first texas chainsaw remakes (the 2000's remakes) had some good musical pieces in it.
However it would be so funny to hear a little banjo music in hill billy's chase music
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I really hope so. Lots of opportunities for some creative soundtracks, especially for leatherface
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Just imagining something like this play during a chase for Hillbilly would make me just stop and laugh rather then keep running lol
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They didn't add new chase music