Protest with action not words.
Face it, we already know from the past that once those Hillbilly changes hit PTB it's a done deal. They've never listened to any valid criticism from anyone in the community before and it'll probably stay like that until this game inevitably dies out later down the road. So instead of wasting your time typing out useless posts that won't move them at all do what you can do by hitting them where it hurts. Go on a camping spree.
Derank to green ranks and start facecamping harder than you've ever facecamped before. Ruin the game for every new player or casual friend group that you come across.
The vast majority of killers could quit and they won't care. Hell, even some of their largest content creators consistently complain about their terrible management of the game and they don't even listen to them.
Players like Scottjund and Zubatlel constantly complain about the state of the game on stream. Scott even quit for 2 weeks because of how frustratingly terrible the new map is with an Object of Obsession on it. Zubat posted a video showing just how fun that situation is by playing nascar against a Pyramid head. And just a few days ago AngryPug made a direct tweet to the devs twitter account about the state of the game which sparked a large thread of other content creators backing him up. The next day he then spent several hours of the start of his stream discussing the replies and talking about just how much of a garbage fire the current DBD is. Even players like Tru3talent and Otzdarva will let their thoughts slip when they get frustrated enough, which seems to be happened more often as of late. I wonder why?
AngryPug's Twitter thread:
Truetalent's thoughts on the update:
You can't facecamp with billy or bubba effectively anymore though. That's what they've changed.
12 -
Yes, do this. Show your true face, admit that camping is essentially about ruining someone's game, show that camping is mostly about grief than strategy. You will serve me greatly. And of course don't forget to use Moris and totally OP addons.
26 -
The devs really don't care if you camp or tunnel or mori survivors, and an increase in things that already happen plenty is likely to go unnoticed by them or by the survivors.
What killer are you going to use anyway? If you facecamp with bubba they'll probably think you're protesting his changes if anything.
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Or stop being a crybaby. And stop playing. Those change are fine.
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DBD is doing something I don't like so I'm going to purposefully ruin 4 complete strangers game because...that'll show DBD! Somehow!
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Uh, no? That’s petty and won’t get your point across. Enough of that happens as is and it’s seen as a valid tactic.
6 -
Sounds boring.
12 -
Can you also use Moris? Very often? So that Killrates skyrocket and Moris get nerfed sooner?
15 -
Could you please provide a link for the Twitter thread.
I'd like to read it.
Tru3 recently started comparing SWF with moral regular intended players.
It's busted ASF.
The devs are so out of touch with their own game it's miracle it survived this long. Guess not having any competition at all allows you to get way with any kind of bs.
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One Of the main reasons behind the change was to stop facecamping with chainsaws plus doing this won’t solve anything but get another nerf brought to all killers so good luck with your salt just take some skill over spamming backrev cuz that’s all that changed
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You realize they take the ptb feedback with a grain of salt for a reason right? Nobody is separated by rank. So it's hard to truly gauge how things will perform live. Add to that this community isn't know for it's reasonable responses to pretty much anything. Is it any wonder they don't listen? Especially when they see ######### like this thread?
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If you want to "protest with action" the only thing that has even a miniscule chance of actually doing something is to stop playing the game + spending money on it. Anything else you do is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
2 -
I stopped playing and switched to Smite. Way more competitive and way less random. Just better game development overall. And it's free. Only thing better about DBD is you can direct purchase any skin. And even that isn't that much better when you realize the graphics and design are outdated as hell.
1 -
You realize this Billy nerf, will affect Curving greatly, or in fact even destroy it. This Billy nerf isn't minimal, and a good amount of people can tell.
2 -
It will make curving better by the looks of things since the brown gives a moderate increase to curving we could easily see a purple with tremendous increase all in all this change itself won’t effect curving as all that changes is a Cooldown that again only effects you if you can’t hit your chainsaw effectively in the first place you have to know when and when not to use it you can’t spam the back rev until you eventually can get a hit
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Added it
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Hold your horses there, the PTB isn’t out yet. We don’t know specifics about the overheat mechanics yet, the overheat timer might be so long that you won’t really see a difference unless you’re revving your chainsaw completely around a loop or camping someone. I like playing Billy a lot and the only way I see this damaging curving is if you repeatedly fail your own curves or like I said, continue revving your chainsaw completely around a loop.
You never know, the addons may just almost completely negate overheat or the curving addons will be new meta, who knows. I’d definitely be all for new Billy metas rather than instasaw and drift king.
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In every post about balance I will keep posting this. The devs cannot balance two separate games at one time. You can't have balance for a full swf game and a full solo queue game. Either you isolate the queue's for both and give some sort of incentive for killer's to play swf gamemode or you simply add VOIP to the game and everyone is on the same playing field and balance around it.
You cannot truly fix anything until one of these two are done.
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It's all good to survivor. But let them rework DS or actually do something real about swf's, I bet this forum would blow up like the godfather. Streams overflowing w salty tears.
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Actually I already suggested the second idea and fully support it. Don't know how well built in voice could be implemented but go ahead and give them all the other coordination and communication tools they want. If it means balancing out killers better then screw it. We play against groups pretty often anyways so it's honestly not like it changes much.
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Or stop buying cosmetics and DLC. They only care about the money.
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Or stop buying cosmetics and DLC. They only care about the money.
0 -
Man I've been saying it since 2016 and it's an option the developers never took seriously. I believe their official response was something on the lines of it being too difficult to implement. VOIP has been available in online games practically since their iteration. It's archaic tech at this point so there's no good excuse why it can't be put in. If there is hopefully a dev see's this and we can find out what it is.
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Throwing a tantrum because you don't like a small change to one killer in the game? So what if the chainsaw has a cool down, people will get used to it quick and Billy will still be as good as ever. No need to go for the good old pre school tactic "if I can't have it nobody can" and ruin the game for new players.
Scottjund might have complained for a bit, but can't help notice he's right back onto playing killers so it can't be that bad can it. There's always going to be things that annoy people, people will always get frustrated and complain about something. It's the nature of an online pvp game. But they all still play it so something must be going right, there's plenty of other games out there.
3 -
to me sounds like both side survivor and killer want this game to die and dev just trying to get as must money they can till then,this game sinking ship.
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totally on board. Starting now. I dont even care anymore. The devs dont listen to any meaningful balance suggestions anyways. Might as well make new survivors feel exactly how ive been feeling as a killer player for 4 years now.
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Why is it that every time a killer or a very liked perk gets nerfed/reworked in a way people dislike they feel the need to make matches as unenjoyable as possible for the opposing side?
Every... damn... time...
Also this: "Ruin the game for every new player or casual friend group that you come across." is straight up disgusting. Purposefully bullying lower ranks/new players is straight up disgusting and petty af.
Bullying newer players isn't going to get these changes reverted. It didn't work when ruin got changed, it didn't work when other killers got changed and it didn't work when legendary skins (Lisa) were introduced either...
Really shows what kind of community this is if the first idea is to make the game unenjoyable for everyone involved.
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Well maybe if they listened to feedback and bettered the game then we wouldn't feel the need to search for alternative methods to get our input heard.
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Honestly do that, kinda bored of all the tryhard billy mains in red ranks deranking to green to ruin other ppl's games will only lead to the devs listening to survivors complaining about what u are doing and guess what they'll nerf it even more. Would be nice to get rid of all the crybaby killers in red rank tho so keep going, also use a mori so the killrate goes up and they nerf it pls :3
0 -
Not sure exactly what I should be protesting, but I stopped buying DLCs starting with Stranger Things. Until BHVR stops talking about fixing the busted matchmaker and puts something live that puts action where their mouths are running, I won't give them another dime for a Rift, DLC, or cosmetic. And haven't since Ghostface.
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So u think ruining other ppl's games is gonna "better the game"? Interesting mentality, just shows how childish and annoying billy mains are, u thought your killer was untouchable cuz of the "most balanced and skilled killer" mask but oh boy they touched him what do we do now
3 -
At this point it just seems like people are looking for an excuse to play like a douchebag. Not saying you can't play like one, you choose how you play.
But sure, paint it as this noble cause avenging Billy's "death" which will somehow gain the devs' attention and make them revert all bad changes they have ever made.
Edit: I just don't think ruining the game for others is going to solve anything. :/
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This is just pathetic lol.
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Yeah show devs how ugly killers beave in their game. The o ly response you will get is the exact opposite of what you demanded. Good for survivors, so devs will truely take you out for gods sake.
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Its because the devs dont listen to their loyal fanbase and the players feel helpless and feel like its the only way to be heard. Im all for it to be honest. They need better communication with their fans and stop catering to the low ranks.
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How about you stop encouraging people to derank and grief. Seriously the changes aren't that huge. Stop crying.
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By the sound of it this player does all this stuff anyway.
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Imagine getting this upset over a minor tweak. "oh no I can't spam my power so much anymore, this is LittErAlLy a game breaking nerf"
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That's the killer mentality unfortunately. killers get all the power in a match and that goes straight to some people's head. Any survivor that looks at them wrong gets tunneled to death
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So you're in favor of making other players, particularly newer players feel helpless, because you yourself feel helpless?
How would that solve anything?
The devs have said themselves that camping and tunneling are valid strategies. They won't care if you do that.
Doesn't make it right in my eyes to purposefully derank and use your game knowledge and experience against new players to make them feel as miserable as possible.
This doesn't just apply to killers, survivors as well. I've heard of the depip squads before..
I just find it hard to believe that the devs would look at camping/tunneling complaints from survivors, because of this "protest" and be like: "Hmmm, maybe we shouldn't have changed the Hillbilly..".
Just look at the Lisa "protest" where people would tunnel/camp Lisa players for buying the skin. It achieved nothing.
If anything the player asking about legendary skins and voices on the Q&A made a bigger impact. lol
The fact that the communication between players and devs isn't perfect, isn't the survivor's fault. You're just going to piss off players who may or may not feel the same way as you.
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Promoting camping and ruining people's game is not the way to go. How is the new players fault that they nerfed a killer? Or people just wanting to have fun? Honestly, if you want to take an action, stop playing the game. You don't like the changes, leave the game, go play something else.
0 -
Why is it every time someone wants to "protest" in DBD it's by harassing players?
People already tunnel, facecamp, and mori plenty. Your thread here may make a tiny splash in the pool, but I'm betting that's it. Most players are not regulars on these forums.
If you really want to protest, log off. By you even playing the game, you're supporting the company, you know.~*
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If this would be the case there would be changes to doc as well, he can facecamp the best. No way you ever gonna get an unhook just by spamming right click
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its no their fault of course but neither killers fault as devs way to hurt em its by money losing killer bully to newbies are totally valid.
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Because X streamer has been here for way longer, played more thoroughly, and generally has a better grasp on everything about the game than random joe 123 from the forums.
When your best known, top players have issues with your game, but you cater to new players and money, theres a problem.
1 -
You act like you didnt see the DS or MoM changes and outrage. To name just 2. Survivors have JUST as many issues with the game. Unfortunately however, they get listened to and dealt with most times. Killers not so much. Freddy took what, 2 years to be touched?
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If you really want to take action, stop playing the game instead of ruining the game for others for no reason. Such a stupid and childish mentality.
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Hmm didn’t know there was an update to doc where he can zoom around the map and insta down no penalty good to know 👍🏼