Just holding W is stronger than people realize

johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

Now obviously there is a lot to be said for great loopers than can extend chases for 3-4-5 gens using jungle gyms and mind games... not trying to make that sound unimpressive or unnecessary.

But a great many players would be so much better just holding W and making distance as often as possible rather than waiting and trying to play every loop.

As killer I’ve often had players run me around a loop once, drop the pallet and take off when I break it. Even if they do nothing special this can waste huge amounts of time. If, IF IF your teammates are doing gens the killer can easily lose 2-3 gens and there are still plenty of pallets to play the rest of the game for everyone else.

Again, learning proper looping is essential to eventually get better but so many players would be better of running straight ahead rather than camping a pallet, eating a hit AND wasting a pallet, then standing there blinding the killer like their favorite streamers do.
