Missing the DC penalty already



  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    Hold up... I can’t find threads about it. Either it’s too old, or it was a banwave that included HACKERS that downed and let everyone bleed out. My bad.

    The point is, the type of playstyle is certainly reportable and beyond a doubt a warrant to DC. Even if someone doesn’t consider it holding the game hostage, it is a type of griefing if you have the choice not to do so imo.

    It got extremely bad back before hooks didn’t respawn and everyone had sabo, got a little when they let hooks respawn, and stopped by the time the dedicated servers got released I believe.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Equal amount.

    I've been playing killer non-stop for the past 3 months and it changed nothing. (so far)

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    If you’re trying to imply I’m an entitled survivor main for having common sense and understanding that no one wants to sit through their whole team bleeding out for 5 minutes, you have your own issues. I mainly play Killer (the killer being Nurse).

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    I do and can agree with you, in fact i have to agree with Zoomies. Taking the game hostage is clearly defined as "only being able to leave the match by DCing" It's not up for interpretation, if you've been slugged you have to wait 4 minutes and then the game will end. You are basically making up what the rule is to fit your own narrative and filing false reports against someone not doing anything wrong all the while breaking the rules yourself based on your own self beneficial interpretation of the rules. I have found a post from a Dev on this sitewho has confirmed that only slugging and not using the hooks isn't very nice but it isn't bannable.

    You are an entitled survivor who is making up his own rules which doesn't match the rules that the devs have set and are creating false reports against people breaking your made up rules.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    Lmao, okay. I’m an entitled survivor main, even though I hardly ever play survivor at all.

    1. It’s not false reporting for taking the game hostage, like you said, and for griefing by slugging all the survivors in the game and letting them bleed out. Those types of killers give the whole killer part of the community a bad reputation.
    2. I never reported anyone. Even if I did, it’s not a false report.
    3. Assuming that I’m bending the rules for my own self-benefit is not only the most stupid thing you could fo, but also completely false. Once again, I hardly ever play survivor.
    4. If the devs want to interpret their rules in a different way, that’s not my problem. All I know is that, according to the rules, messing with other player’s experienced is against the EULA. The devs can bend it all they like, but it’s literally a violation of the Code of Conduct unless they change the wording of it.
  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    Let's see here a list of things that the devs ignore because they are not reportable

    What the devs considering griefing

    And something that is bannable.

    All there black & white crystal clear

  • Frareid88
    Frareid88 Member Posts: 276

    Game just there against a Rank 1 nurse, I'm a Rank 6 and my cousin is 4.playing with two randoms. Nurse blinks and downs me in the first 30 seconds. She then downs one of the other randoms they DC instantly and their friend does also. Nurse then gets my cousin. All in under 3 minutes. We just tried to kobe off the hook then died. Not fun for the killer or player. Bring back the penalty

  • Unapippa
    Unapippa Member Posts: 34
    edited July 2020

    not to mention all the upcoming unpunished dc tech, dc penalties are necessary, no matter what.

    Post edited by Unapippa on
  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    People like the DC penalty which honestly makes no sense. No one gets banned unless something happened outside of their control. If a player wants out of a match they'll just kill themselves on hook.

  • cenoflame
    cenoflame Member Posts: 320
    edited July 2020

    Did reporting someone for rage quitting ever do anything?

  • cenoflame
    cenoflame Member Posts: 320

    I've been DC'ing like crazy, just to raise awareness. 👍

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Yeah. Had a Nurse DC because she was not able to get anyone and a Legion just DCed because she missed a Frenzy Hit. There wasnt even one Gen done...

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Survivors: Remove the DC penalties they're banning people for no reason and there's better solutions!

    These same survivors once the penalties are actually removed:

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    if Survivor just RTD = Race to die if you don't like the match up or map simple. if killer just play toxic for a few they will get that gen rush going so the match ends quickly be ready to open a door for faster endings.. I say bring the dc penalty back.

  • fairfieldisms
    fairfieldisms Member Posts: 43

    Same. I've had teammates non stop DC and a couple of killers too. It's so frustrating.

  • Athanar90
    Athanar90 Member Posts: 123

    You know, I'd be fine with just re-adding the ban only for leaving through the menu, no other DC counts. They can tell the button to report its user.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    It's a problem on PS4 for me. Red ranks. Both sides.

  • NooseLikeANecklace
    NooseLikeANecklace Member Posts: 10

    only time I DC is when I know the games over I'm literally not DCing left and right constantly anytime I lose but you have to realize that the whole reason people DC majority of the time is because of OP addons/offerings lmao

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    If the game was stable sure. Unfortunately it's not. Most of the DC's I've seen lately were clearly not intentional.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Then people will physically pull the cord or kill the game via task manager. In fact people used to do this in the olden days to keep their BP, pips, and items.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833


  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Nah. Killers would dc. You ever yet curb stomped so badly by a swf and almost every swing is a miss because latency issues? At that youre just like ######### it and wanna leave.

  • Athanar90
    Athanar90 Member Posts: 123

    If nothing else, it takes them longer to get back in because they have to reload the game. Even better, if someone DC's, they can't rejoin until that game they DC'd from is over.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    If you’re gonna sandbag people who cleanse totems, expect a DC

    If you’re gonna troll and try to bodyblock, or fast vault over and over or blow up gens to get another survivor attacked, expect a dc

    BHVR has done nothing about troll players. At least this way you aren’t forced to sit there and take it.

    Thats not even touching on the ever-increasing number of hackers in the game

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    You're a known survivor main in this forums. It's obvious that you hate the penalty.

  • Bingbongbong
    Bingbongbong Member Posts: 202

    I think people here are forgetting just how bad it was before the penalty, The whole reason it had to be implemented was because people would pick and choose their games. The second something went wrong or they heard a killer they didn't like they would DC and ruined the game for the 4 other players.

    I don't understand, If you're not having fun and really want to leave that badly just walk to the killer and let them hook you, That's it. That's all you have to do. It takes about 1 minute.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    Doesn't make it right, you're basically just saying i'm DCing because i can't get an easy win. I seriously doubt anything is broken & OP, people would just rather quit then learn to counter it.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    When was the DC penalty thing removed? o.O

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I have to admit I started a game as killer the other night which began with two people just making noise notifications over and over and over, just banging in my headphones and I thought nah I don't want to play with these people. No DC penalty. The extreme salt in the endgame chat and the rampart back and forth abuse between the survivors tells me I made the right choice.

    Outside of this kind of obnoxious playing with people you would never game with under any other circumstances scenario you can't really justify the DC.

    The whole I DC when it's freddy, or doc etc etc is just I don't know how to play against these characters and will probably lose, its not fun if I lose so I'm going to just quit.

    Hmm I have also had a lot of lag switching during the event, the survivors who seem to port away from you, who can't be hooked etc etc, I like having the option to leave a game like that without penalty. Sadly the lack of penalty does let the wah wah tantrum crowd off the hook. I probably won't be bringing to many mori's while there is no DC penalty.

  • BeardedMenace
    BeardedMenace Member Posts: 215

    Why would you ever DC over Object 😂 To each their own... If I'm slugged, tunneled, camped, or Huntress is using iridescent Head or whatever I'll DC. I'd personally just have more fun waiting 5 minutes and taking a depip.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Object on Midwich allows you to just run forward to win.

    Killer won't really ever catch you except after a ridiculous amount of time.

    Object is one of the most annoying and strong perks in the game, especially in SWF. Maybe you're like rank 15 tho.

  • Rygarr88
    Rygarr88 Member Posts: 13

    Lmao nah, you have zero rights in a video game. Just like I have the right to look your IP address up and make a house visit. Its my right. Dont like it, do something about it.

    Oh yea, you cant.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2020

    I don't understand why they don't suicide anyway in msot cases. the longer you play the more points you lose and time of yours you've wasted and even if you wanna go because of a bad spawn and start you're on your way to or already ont he hook anyways. There usually is no sound logic behind dcing with or without penalty or progress toward bans unless you're the killer and tired of swf or the current matchmaking woes since you can't ######### as the killer and some troll swf will deliberately delay once you afk over disconnecting

  • Nazia
    Nazia Member Posts: 37

    They ragequit all the time. And make sure to stick around in the post-game chat to tell you how bad you are.

    How incompetent do you have to be that script kiddie can exploit your system like this? What are they doing with their 500+ employees and 120+ million they made last year that they can't fix such a simple exploit?

    You can apply that question to everything else the devs are incompetent at as well.

  • skarsguts
    skarsguts Member Posts: 179

    What? You're comparing an illegal activity to leaving a video game match?

    Is this some kind of threat?

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    This ^. Bhvr need to do someting about camper/tunnelers. And I'm not talking about 4sec 1 time per match stun time