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There's no winning as a killer.



  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I am normally siding more with survivors, but the op is right with that one. Its bad on both sides so killer is defnitly no exception.

    The community is very toxic, and it does not really matter what you do as a killer. You are either an ######### or game was EZ, depending on how you play or how the outcome is. I can with all honesty say that i recorded games where i switch between target all the time like 1-2-3-4 1-2-3-4 1-2-3-4 and still got accused of tunneling. Or camping, when i hook a person, run across the entire map (!) checking every gen, and eventually coming back for a few seconds after that.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    turn off post game chat?

    a lot of ppl that are playing this game are just bunch of 4Heads that dont care about other side feelings

    if you play killer its obvious you will notice it from survivors side (because you dont have contact with other killers in game)

    if youre playing surv (soloQ) youre meeting 3 other survs and 1 killer (still you meet 3 times more survivors) so still you have 3x bigger chance you will find ######### survivor (sand baggers, afk wall lickers, someone that will ignore you on hook or just flame you in post game chat)

    its just pure math, if youre meeting only survivors you have 0% chance you will play vs toxic killer, if you play surv you still have 3x bigger chance to meet ... surv

    and about post game chat, thats only way survivor can be toxic, killer will just tunnel crap out of you or facecamp you xd (literally ruining your game) and you wont tell me bouncing pixels are toxic and are ruining your game, killer can deny you from playing a game, surv can press shift (pretty even trade right? its sarcasm BTW)

    im not telling you when survivors are toxic in post game chat its because of your gameplay BUT it same goes for killers (you get tunneled out of this world/camped) without your fault, just because killer has bad day or hes showing his anger from last game (on innocent survivor)

    i wish you could turn off chat during specific game and only for this post game chat (sometimes you know, youre playing vs salty b.... but when thats happening just leave without reading a word?)

    playing PVP games with chat require mental fortitude if you dont have it, dont play a hero, turn it off, its sth that almost EVERY league player will tell you, turn off chat and do your thing xd

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Only thing that annoys me is when I get spam follows on ps4 for like 15 minutes. Super greazeball #########.

    But comments make me laugh. If it's really overboard I report them. The best part is they will always want the last word so make sure to eventually say something like, "I'm going to let you have the last word since it seems like it's so important to you, but maybe next time (insert stupid thing they thought they could get away with during the match)."

    That will usually shut them up and if it doesn't just lol at them and leave it at that.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    That's the saddest part about this game, and the community as a whole. There's this dumb, moronic rulebook that all killers must obey without question that convinently allows survivors to escape most trials, but survivors can do literally whatever tf they want without exception, because they are the 'victims' and they have 'no control' over how a trial plays out.

    And that's without mentioning the completel lack of perspective from many players. So many survivors don't understand when a tunnel isn't a tunell, when camping isn't camping, or even when camping is entirely justified (oh, I know, it's SHOCKING! When theres 2 people hooked right next to each other in a gen-heavy zone, the killer is supposed to run to the opposite corner! Right?) And then you get the killers that main Freddy, use every Mori they get their hand on, and never enter a match without pop and noed. You get the hardcore facecampers, the zealous tunellers, and the general pricks that just don't care and wonder why someone gets upset that they got hard facecamped by Bubba.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    Turn off the chat or just ignore it. There's a lot of ######### here even in the killer community. It's both sides having this us vs them mentality that just makes it worse, along with youtubers/streamers that push it further by saying "swf this" or "killer that". There's a serious lack of self awareness that many people who play suffer from.