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This game is so Survivor sided, it literally makes no sense!



  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    This game is not survivor sided. Nor is it killer sided.

    As a killer mostly, there are maps I like to get and maps I hate to get but I win and lose on them about the same. I just have to sweat more for the 3-4k on some maps over others.

    My kill rate went up when I learned when to drop a chase, when to slug, when a camp is advantageous and when a tunnel is a good idea. Where to pressure next and the places survivors were most likely the run to especially when healing etc. Sometimes I guess wrong and yes mistakes are more costly for the killer than the survivors due to time being much more valuable for the killer.

    Things that annoy me are... I seem to spike in lag during jukes especially on corn maps making hits that should connect miss completely. It extends chases and when it happens multiple times it can quickly snowball into a survivor sided match.

    I often get a scenario where clicking m1 results in no response in the game and again a missed hit. It annoys me too but its all on my end. Yes I get outplayed more than this happens but getting out played doesn't annoy me someone will always outplay you eventually and props to them if they do (and aren't a wanker about it in post game chat).

    I feel being a survivor on comms is basically cheating. I like to play with my friends, but it is so easy once your buddy can tell you who the killer is, where the killer is, where they are laying traps etc. I actually don't like it, when I play suvivor I want the tension of not knowing, its part of the game. When we are on comms it just feels to easy, that said BP's for survivor can be hard to get if you aren't doing a lot and doing well, we get a lot more BP's on comms than not and so people will continue using comms for the advantage. Its usually quite obvious when people have that kind of coordination and as killer I just suck up the loss and move on.

    Match making is a mess and can make survivors seem overpowered, this I agree with but there is a fix in the works so we'll just have to wait and see. Now smurfing is something I see a lot of. A survivor group of rank 1, 1, 2, 19. This is basically lackluster survivors who want to keep their rank by getting lower level killers to play against. It's scummy and match making should always try and pair killer with the highest ranked survivor in the group. People justify this by saying they want a relaxed match but in reality they often still bring meta builds into this scenario, what they really want is an easy win at the expense of a less experienced player, so yes its scummy.

    When these things combine as they often do I think "jesus this game is survivor sided" but then I snowball 3-4k in the next two matches and then get stomped again in the third and I realise that this game is like any other... you win some you lose some.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    The game is not catered to any side it’s catered to balance and I find while I have that one bad game every so often I get a 4K by the end and don’t have to resort to camping or overly tunneling the reason they won’t touch the perks you mentioned is cuz they can go games without ever being used if the killer doesn’t camp tunnel or slug ruin change was good for both sides in red ranks it didn’t have much use if they gen tap or hit skill checks swf doesn’t need a real touch or nerf why nerf people for having friends?